Chapter 32: Artificial (Bonus Chapter)

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My name is Wolfie Kris Mason, my sister is dead and so are my closet friends

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My name is Wolfie Kris Mason, my sister is dead and so are my closet friends. 

Recently I almost died, too. But over the course of these past few days and weeks, I have learned to forgive myself. Yeah, I still miss them, but I still have family and friends. The Avengers, new and old. Guess I'm eating my words now, aren't I?

In fact, after a couple times hanging out, I even found myself a boyfriend, Pietro Maximoff. 

So yeah, things are great right now. But it isn't over. Anyone can see that this is just the beginning of the end, something bigger is coming. Something I am not sure we can all handle. 

For right now, though, I would just like to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who has listened to my story, understood how I felt and my side of things. I realize many people have felt like I have, so I want to say this. 

You are not alone. 

It sounds so cliche but it is true, you aren't. I am here for you, the Avengers and I are here for you. If you make it through whatever you are going through, and you will make it, you will come out stronger, better, wiser. 

It isn't hard, just believe in yourself, I believe in you. Go out there, face the world. Hell, you might even find your own Bad Wolf Pack or your own team of Avengers. Just know that through it all, my bets are on you. You can do this, you will do this. 

After all, you have to get back up after you fall, it's what us Fallen Angels do. 

This is Wolfie Kris Mason, I howled, became a monster, and helped defeat Artifical intelligence. I couldn't have done it without the Avengers and without you all. 

~You will Avenge and Prevail, you are a Fallen Angel~

Artificial (Book 3) (Bad Wolf Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now