Chapter 16: Panic! After Train Crash

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Wolfie's pov



Get away.


My mind didn't know what to think so I let my body do the talking. As soon as speedy pulled me in, I ripped my hand out of his grasp and quickly got up, turning to the fight only to see Wanda Maximoff behind Steve, blasting Ultron then bending some metal railing to block Ultron's way. 

"Please. Don't do this," Ultron tried to plead.

"What choice do we have?" Wanda growled and Ultron looked between all of us, before blasting at Pietro and me, then flying off. 

After dodging the blast, Pietro sped to Wanda and talked to her for a second before speeding off with her. Wow, thanks for bailing. I roll my eyes then wince as a sharp pain made itself known in my right shoulder. I looked down to see a terrible wound. I had been blasted earlier during the fight yet I hadn't felt it until now. 

The wound on my left shoulder was burning badly and bleeding just as terribly. It was a huge burn mark, no doubt would leave a scar.

"Nat!" I suddenly heard Clint yell. "You guys got eyes on Nat!?" He asks Cap and me.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark. Go!" Steve says through the comm. 

"Do you have eyes on Nat!" Clint was relentless on this. 

"Go!" I snap through my comm. 

I watched the video feed as Clint reluctantly flew off in the quinjet. Suddenly, the train came to a stop and Steve and I hopped out, going over to Pietro and Wanda. 

"I'm fine, I just need a minute," Pietro tells Wanda and Steve cross his arms.

"I'm tempted to not give you one," He says, causing the two to look at us. 

" The Cradle, did you get it?' Wanda asks.

"Stark will take care of it," I say, though deep down I didn't even believe it.

"No, he won't," Wanda insists and I secretly agreed with her. 

Wait a minute, I'm supposed to be hating them, not agreeing with them. The brat went into my mind, messed up my team's mind, the speeding idiot pushed Steve down a flight of stairs, got Clint injured, not to mention he and Wanda were both teamed with Ultron.

"Wolfie!" Steve snaps his fingers in my face and I jump back into reality.

"Sorry!" I yelp, realising I had lost focus. 

"You're injured," Pietro says, stepping towards me, looking at my bleeding shoulder. 

I quickly put a hand on my shoulder to hide it and step back. 

"I'm fine," I snap. "No thanks to you two," I grow, glaring at the twins. 

"Wolf," Steve steps closer to me and I couldn't make eye contact, my breathing becoming ragged. 

Oh no, not this, not now.

"Wolf..?" He repeats this and I felt the tears well up into my eyes as I shook my head. 

"Steve, stop," I say, voicing shaking as I look up with tears streaming. 

"Hey, calm down, it's okay," Pietro tries to help, speeding over and standing next to me. 

"No! Get away!" I shove him away, but my strength gets the best of me and I ended up shoving him into Wanda. 

I go wide-eyed as they both fall and slam into the ground, my heartbeat loud in my ears now. It was practically screaming. 


Black spots danced in my vision and I couldn't find enough air to fill my lungs. The last thing I remember was hitting the ground hard, pain, and someone picking me up before everything faded out to black.


How'd you all like that Panci! At The Disco reference in the title? Sorry this one was so short, but I didn't want this book to be like the first one with the whole story done in like, 20 chapters. So, yeah. Also, I decided suspense was good so double yeah. Anyways, thanks for reading and remember:

~We will Avenge and Prevail, we are the Fallen Angels~


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