Chapter 31: New Avengers

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Beep. Beep. Beep. 

A slow, steady beeping sound causes butterscotch coloured eyes to open. Groaning, Wolfie puts a hand to her head, a sharp in her shoulder causing her to wince. 

'What happened?' She thinks to herself. However, the woman is brought out of her thoughts by a slight movement next to her. 

Looking over, Pietro is sound asleep in a chair next to Wolfie's bed. He must have fallen asleep, for his head rested on his arms, folded on the medical bed. His hair was a mess, his t-shirt crumpled, and light snores came from his slightly parted lips. He seemed at peace, but the worry lines he had revealed the stress put on him. 

Wolfie felt bad if she were to wake him up, but a sudden fit of coughs that sounded as if she had too much fluid in her lungs rattles through her. The sharp, pained, noises jar Pietro from his slumber and he sits up quickly, looking at Wolfie with wide eyes. Snapping out of it, he speeds away for a moment, only to come back with a cup of water. 

He helps the female drink it, her hands being too shaky to hold the cup on her own. When she has finished off the drink and her coughs have subsided, she tiredly looks at Pietro. Said male places the empty cup on a nearby side table, then he takes one of Wolfie's hands in his larger ones. 

"Thank you, Wolfie," Pietro says, voice thick, accent heavy. For a moment Wolfie could have sworn she saw tears in his eyes, but then he blinks them away. 

"For what?" Wolfie's voice is raspy and gruff, clearly, she had been out for a while, however, as time passed she was slowly feeling better, her enhanced healing kicking in. "You saved my life on that train. Now we're even," 

Pietro chuckles, remembering how he had grabbed her arm before she'd fallen off the moving train due to a blast from Ultron. At the time she'd been struggling to hate him and his sister still, it was easy to tell. After that, it had been only a matter of time. 

"Where are the others?" Wolfie asks, sitting up slowly with Pietro's help. 

"Dr. Banner has gone rogue. Clint has taken some time off for his family. As for Mr. Stark, he is going off somewhere, as Thor will be returning to his home world." Pietro explains and secretly Wolfie enjoys hearing him speak, due to his heavy accent. 

"So, it's just you, Wanda, Vision, Steve, Natasha, and I now?" Wolfie chuckles to herself, a part of her sad that the Avengers are going different ways, but the other part understanding. 

"A few others will be joining us at the New Avengers Facility. But, you are staying?" The hopefulness in Pietro's throat causes Wolfie to let out another chuckle. 

"Yeah, Speedy, I'm staying. How long was I out?" She asks. The looks on Pietro's face clearly meaning it was a good while. 

"Almost a month, just enough time to get out of clean up duty but just in time to see Stark off. If you want," Pietro says, understanding if Wolfie would rather not see Tony leave after everything he's done to her. 

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