Chapter 1: Blurred Lines

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No one's pov

The male twin shared a look with his twin sister, the two of them seeming to share the same thought.

"Man you're stations immediately, this is not a drill! We are under attack, we are under attack." The voice on the inner coms echo throughout the entire facility.

The chaos outside was very clear, the Avengers had come and were easily taking out the many Hydra agents that were sent out to stop them.

The tanks, agents, everything Hydra, the Avengers fought it off endlessly.

"Shit!" Ironman says as he hits the field surrounding the place.

"Language!" Captain America yells into his own com link.

"JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" He asks the AI, taking out Hydra agents that barrel at him through the thick snow covering the ground.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." The AI responds.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it." Thor intercepts, taking a few agents out with his mighty hammer.

"At long last." He adds, as the agent falls to the ground.

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys." Black Widow says through her com on she too takes out some agents.

"Yeah. I think we've lost the element of surprise." Hawkeye shots some arrows at some agents coming his way.

"Wait, is no one going to notice the fact that cap just said 'language' ". Ironman defends as he shoots his repulsor beams.

"I know..." Captain flips off his motorcycle and it slams into a tank, destroying it.

"It just slipped out." He finishes.

**Back In The Hydra Base**

"Who gave the order to attack?" The main man, Strucker, says to one of his agents.

"It's the Avengers, sir. They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked." The agent replies.

Strucker curses under his breath.

"They must be after the scepter." He growls under his breath to another, more trustworthy agent.

"Can we hold them?" Strucker asks the previous agent.

"Sir, t-they are the Avengers." He reasons.

"Deploy the rest of the tanks!" Strucker announces.

"Yes sir." The agent replies.

"Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks. Everything we've accomplished...we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough...Then let's show them what we've accomplished." Strucker announces.

"Send out the twins." Struckers friend whispers to him.

"It's too soon." Strucker argues.

"It's what they signed up for."

"My men can handle them." Strucker glares.

In the far corner, the twins, a male and female, are moving around, stoked to finally go play a role in battle. Especially against the Avengers.

**Back With The Avengers**

"Sir, the city is taking fire." JARVIS's voice rings out through the Avengers com links.

"Well we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron legion." Ironman replies.

Many Ironman suit replicas suddenly cut through the air, all landing in points around the city, all playing the same message over and over again, trying to get the civiallans to move.

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