Chapter 21: Done?

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No one's pov

"I get the first crack at the big guy. Iron Man's the one he's waiting for." Tony says as the jet begins to land. 

"That's true, he hates you the most." Vision says, looking at Tony. 

I felt eyes on me as I get ready to shift, knowing the minute this thing landed we'd all have to be ready. Bruce was already mumbling that it wasn't polite to stare. I quickly look away and yawn, looking at everyone. 

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." Steve says. 

"Stay safe guys," I say sincerely before I turn into my full wolf form. Left eye fire red, right eye water blue, and red and blue patterns in my fur. 

I leap out of the jet and bound into the city the moment the hatch opens, letting out a loud howl to alert the people around me I hear screams and I shift to my half wolf form, using the air to fly up. 

"Everyone, you need to evacuate!" I yell, manipulating the air to carry out my words. 

I see Pietro speed to a nearby police station and Wanda's hands and eyes glow red. Finally, people start moving. I drop back to the ground and start helping, getting people where they need to be, even taking small families of two or three and teleporting them out city limits. 

With Bruce and Natasha

"Natasha! Natasha!" A familiar voice rings out in Natasha's cell causing her to perk up. 

"Bruce?" She asks, standing up and grasping the bars of her cell. 

"You alright?" Bruce asks, rushing over to her cell. 

"Yeah." She says, looking at Bruce with relief that doesn't go unnoticed by the scientist.

"The team's in the city, it's about to light up," Bruce explains, looking around quickly at everything.

"I don't suppose you found a key lying around somewhere?" Natasha asks sarcastically, knowing that he probably didn't but also having faith that he could get her out.

"Yeah, I did." He pulls out a gun and Natasha has only seconds to step back as he shoots the lock, causing the metal to clang to the ground and the cell door to creak open. 

"So what's our play?" Natasha asks Bruce, stretching as her joints pop into place.

"I'm here to get you to safety." Bruce seemed stern and Natasha knew there had been more to what he was feeling and thinking.

"Job's not finished." She says, refusing to go with whatever he had planned. She needed this conversation to be over soon though, people were in danger, lives at stake. 

"We could help with the evacuation, but I can't be in a fight near civilians. And you've done plenty. Our fight is over," Bruce stepped closer and for a moment, it seemed like Natasha might just give in...

Would she though?


It's short but it's an update. Thank you all for reading and remember:

~We will Avenge and Prevail, we are the Fallen Angels~


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