Chapter 30: Fallen Angels

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Wolfie's Pov

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Wolfie's Pov

Finally, everyone was on the boats. 

I let out a sigh of breath, looking around as Pietro speeds by, stopping and standing next to me. 

"We did it," He smiles, also out of breath from how much running he has done. Without thinking about it, he picks me up and spins me around happily. After realizing it, he quickly stops and puts me down. I just laugh and playfully punch his arm, too happy that we actually might make it out of this alive to care. Just as I am about to say something, the sound of bullets cuts me off. 

Turning around quickly, I see Ultron in a jet, bullets spraying in a straight line. I watch as the firing continues, headed straight for Clint who had managed to save a little boy from some rubble. Before I can say anything, Pietro is already speeding off, towards the two people. My eyes narrow and I can feel myself shifting into full wolf form. 

I was not letting anyone else die. 

No one's Pov

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. 

One moment Hawkeye was in the line of fire, back turned to protect the little boy in his arms, and the next he feels a rush of air and feels nothing. Opening his eyes, he is shocked to see Wolfie, changing from full wolf form to half wolf form. Blood seeps through her clothing in several different areas, matting the fabric to her skin. 

"We will Avenge and Prevail," Wolfie states weakly, looking at Clint then Pietro, "We are the Fallen Angels."

With those last words, Wolfie falls forward, only to be caught in Pietro's arms. His breathing is ragged, shock coming over him in waves. Why had she saved him? Clint's eyes fill with sadness, looking at Wolfie's pale and blood-stained skin. She had a rough childhood, lost those she cared about, held so much weight on her shoulders. Now, she was gone. 

In the church, Wanda can feel Wolfie's life force draining way like a punch to the stomach. The sudden rush of sorrow causes her to fall on her knees with a scream. Unknowingly, her power surges and vaporizes the remaining bots around her. 

"Wolf..." After Steve slings his shield onto his back, he runs over, seeing the lifeless form of the girl in Pietro's arms. 

"Get her to the lifeboat," Clint suddenly says, getting over his shock and turning into father mode. "Now,"

Not having to be told twice, Pietro nods and speeds off, leaving Clint, Steve, and the little boy. "You go too," Steve says and Clint takes off. 

The other Avengers are in a stunned silence, Hulk leaving Natasha on the hellicarrier before running and jumping onto the jet Ultron was in. Running in, Hulk grabs the bot and throws him out, not caring how hard the metal man hits the ground or how he smashed through and lands in a train. 

Once on a lifeboat, Pietro rushes to seek medical attention, finding it and watching as the medics rush off with Wolfie, probably to take her somewhere better for operation if she made it. A sharp pain brings him out of the head fog he was in, looking down he sees a small bullet wound in his side. 

'It could have been worse,' He tells himself in his head, starting to leave the lifeboat to go find his sister. 

Wanda had left her position at the core, instead, finding Ultron's mangled and burned body in the midst of a destructed train cart. 

"Wanda, if you stay here you'll die," Ultron says, almost as if he cared for the girl. 

"My teammates and I just did," She growls, accent thick. She kneels down beside him and uses her powers to rip out Ultron's robotic heart, holding it tightly in her hand. "It felt like that,"

However, at the core, a still living bot manages to press the core and the entire city of Sokovia begins to fall out of the sky. Steve, being next to a lifeboat, barely manages to jump onto it as the city falls. 

"Wanda!" Pietro cries out, not having been able to get off the lifeboat just yet to find his sister. A pang in his heart has him on his knees, gripping the front of his shirt, it was as if his heart were being ripped out as well. 

Unbeknownst to Pietro, Vision flies through the city as Tony and Thor prepare to blow it. He manages to find Wanda, taking her into his arms, before flying off as fast as he can, just as the city blows. 

The city was gone, most people saved, but at what cost?


I've got a couple more chapters coming, they will be the last ones. Looking back on this book, it's not hard to see how much I've improved. I want to sincerly thank each and every one of you for reading this. Remember:

~We will Avenge and Prevail, we are the Fallen Angels~


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