Chapter 5: Together

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"This is insane

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"This is insane..." Bruce says, looking at the remains of JARVIS

"JARVIS was the first line of defense, he would have alerted us." Steve says, figuring out why Ultron killed him. 

Suddenly Thor enters the room completely decked out in his Asgardian armor. He goes ovver to Stark and lifts him up by his throat. 

"Whoa, use your words buddy." Tony manages to choke out. 

"I have more than words to discuss with you, Stark." Thor growls. 

"Thor." Steve says. "The legionair?" He asks.

"Trail went cold about a hundred miles out but headed north." Thor says and glares at Stark. "He has the scepter." 

At this, I glare at Stark too. Man, you leave for two years and come back only to find the man you though had changed, only became worse. I shake my head disapprovingly. I zoned out for a second only to be snapped back to reality when Tony started laughing. 

"You think this is funny, Stark?" I ask, my eye narrowing. 

"No, no. It's not supposed to it? You all jusst don't understand why we need this." Tony says smirking. 

"Tony, maybe nows not the time." Bruce tries to reason. 

"Oh, so that's it? You just roll over, show your belly, everytime someone snarls?" Tony taunts. 

"Only when I've created a murder bot." Bruce says, crossing his arms. 

"Well you did something right." Steve started. "And you did it right here. The Avengers were supposed to different than SHIELD." Steve says. 

I remembered when I first went to SHIELD, the second time Loki attacked. I hadn't even thought about them being traitors, then again at that point in time I didn't know that they were planning weapons of mass destruction. Anyways...

Tony then goes on about how he through a nuke into a portal and saved the world. 

"But it was team effort Stark, not just you." I say, although I hadn't been around when it went down. 

"Not the point, a hostile alien invasion comes racing through a hole in space and we're standing three hundred feet below it. We're the Avengers we can bust arm dealers any day but that up there." He pauses.

"That's any game.." He finishes. 

"How do you plan on beating that?" He asks Steve.

"Together." He answers.

"We'll lose." Tony says, I oculd see in his eyes that he was scared. 

"Then we'll do that together too. All of us." He says and looks around the room, even at me. 

It was a bad time but I knew they had accepted me back, I smiled a little. It fadeed as one thought appeared in my head. I knew TOny wouldn't give up so easily and I knew he'd go behind everyone's back again. 

Stark, what are you going to do? 


Sorry this was so short, I'm just trying to update and I've been working on making more chapters in a book. Plus I love trolling you all with cliff hangers. I'll try to update some more, thanks for reading and remember:

~We will Avenge and Prevail, we are the Fallen Angels~


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