Chapter 28: Turning Tides

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Wolfie's pov

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Wolfie's pov

The team gathers with Thor at the half destroyed church, the vibranium core in the middle. Natasha and Bruce weren't with us yet, so Tony makes a remark in the com link.

"Romanoff, you and Banner better not be playing 'Hide the zucchini," 

"Relax, shell head. Not all of us can fly," Natasha retorts as they join us. 

A few beside me I can hear Pietro asking if Wanda and I felt a pang of sadness run through me. No matter what happened, the two siblings cared deeply for each other and looked out for one another. It reminded me of how poorly I looked out for Midnite and the others. 

"Come on, Wolf, don't look so down. We're all scared of something," Tony taunts me and I know he meant it playfully, but in the moment I wanted to punch him in the face.

"Shut up Stark, we wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you," That shut's him up real quick and while I felt a slight hint of guilt (also because of Steve's disapproving look), I didn't quite care. 

"What's the drill?" Natasha asks Tony once the remaining bots in the church are destroyed. 

"That's the drill," He points to the core, "If Ultron get's his hands on the core, we lose,"

Just as Tony finishes, Ultron shows up, slowly descending from the ground. 

"Is that the best you can do!?" Thor screams at him, only for Ultron to raise his hand, summoning the rest of the bots to come to him. 

"You had to ask," I grumble, tilting my head to the sides and rolling my shoulders, sighing as my joints crack. 

"This is the best I can do," Ultron finally speaks, his tone amused. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well," Tony says, "Like the old man said; together."

Hulk lets out an ear-deafening roar just as I turn into full wolf form and let out a piercing howl. The robots come at us and the battle begins. 

No One's Pov

The Avengers and Wolfie all fight the bots, Wanda using her powers, Pietro speeding around and knocking bots down. Vision flies up and starts tearing through the drones as Thor uses his hammer to smash any coming near. Steve takes out a few, a mix of hand to hand and using his shield. Tony uses his repulsion to blast just as fast as Hulk smashing bots left and right. 

Wolfie tackles and rips through the bots in full wolf form, Natasha right next to her using her spider bites. Clint runs out of arrows quickly and begins hand to hand, easily punching through the death bots. 

On the side lines, Ultron has enough of Vision and flies in, engaging battle with the droid. This results in Ultron being blasted out by a ray of Vision's powers from the gem. Thor sees the continuing blast and joins in, sending a steady stream of lightning at Ultron. Tony joins too, sending his repulsors into full blast. 

After getting the bot she was fighting off of her, Wolfie bounds of, shifting into half wolf form and sending a stream of fire at the leading bot, also summoning a gust of wind that causes her to levitate a bit off the ground. 

"Come...on," She grunts, the use of the power burning through her energy. 

Finally, they all stop the blasting in unison, Ultron half melted and a bit deformed. However, the robot still manages to stand, looking at the four. 

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight..." He is not given a chance to finish, Hulk coming over and punching him, sending him into the air. 

The Hulk turns to the remaining bots and they all scatter, clearly fearful. 

"Huh, Hulk can scare artificial intelligence," Wolfie breathes out, falling to her knees. 

Wolfie's pov

As the remaining bots flee, I fall to my knees. Using the blast of energy took a bit of strength, but I would manage. 

"Wolf, you good?" I hear Natasha say into my ear piece. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I stand up again, taking a deep breath and staggering a bit. "With great power comes a great need to take a nap," 

I chuckle, remembering Nico and I talking and him telling me that one day as he recounted one of his travels. Who knew, Demigods and superheroes weren't totally different after all. 

"When this is over, I'm going to introduce you guys to the friend's I'd been staying with," I say into my com link. 

"I'll keep you to that," Steve says and I smile a bit. 

We'll get through this, we're going to be okay. We have to. 


So, this is a bad chapter but I need to update all my stuff so, yeah. Thank you all so much for reading, my lap top is about to die, and remember:

~We will Avenge and Prevail, we are the Fallen Angels~


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