Chapter 9: Gone Again

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Wolfie pov

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Wolfie pov

Soon Natasha and Clint joined in too.

Steve had the speedster who I learned was Pietro Maximoff pinned and yelled at him to stay down.

Ultron said something to the girl, Wanda Maximoff, in the midst of his and Tony's fight, and the rest of us fought the iron legions and Klause's men who had started shooting at us.

Suddenly, as I chased one of the men shooting at me around a corner, I felt... Weird.

My head went fuzzy, my heart racing, and suddenly the scene around me changes. I was back at the battle, when Midnite died. Rubble was scattered all around me.

I heard a scream, and I knew what it was. I couldnt stop myself from running at it, only to see my best friend falling to the ground. I run at her, quickly catching her in my arms before she hit the ground.

"W-wolfie.... I-I..." She stutters.

"Yeah?" I ask, tears springing to my eyes.

"I... Hate you.."

Her words hurt me deeply, and suddenly I heard a click. I look up just in time to see Tony shooting me, right in the heart.

When I opened my eyes, I was laying on cold cement. My body ached and I felt like I was dying. I look over and saw the dead body of Tyson, his lifeless eyes starting at me.

I gasp, sitting up. All pain I felt was replaced with sorrow and sadness. I looked around me to see the dead bodies of Midnite, Tyson, Fang, Klaw, Dares, Shadow, Chaos, Catastrophe, and the Avengers.

I scrambled to my feet only to see I was lying in their blood, it covering my clothes and hands. I gasp, their bodies suddenly picking themselves up.

Words filled my head, their screams of agony. I couldnt contain the sob that ripped through my throat.

"Why didn't you save us"

"Where were you?"

"I hate you"

"You killed us"

"Go die"

I dropped to my knees, clutching my head as tears ran down my face. Suddenly their mangled bodies forced themselves up, bones creaking and snapping with each movement.

I screamed, trying to push them away as their cold pale hands grab at me. My screams become muffled as they grab me and soon it gets dark.

My eyes snap open and I gasp, my head pounding. I was lying in the cold floor and I could tell I hit my head hard.

I'm calling in VERONICA" I hear Tony say through my ear piece.

I stand up, wincing as I pick myslef up from the floor.

"Stark, I'm here. Ill help get the people out." I say quietly.

"Good. Alright everybody, stand down!" I hear Tony say before I drown him out.

Turning full wolf, I quickly run to where the trail of destruction leads. Letting out a howl as I run, I could have sworn I saw the flashing images of my dead friends flicker past me.

Once I was at the sight, I turned half wolf. I used my wind power to let me levitate and to carry my voice out as I yell.

"Everybody go!" I shout as the Hulk and Tony crash into a nearby building.

"Go!" I screamed and I helped police rush people away from the sight.

Soon Hulk snapped out of his trance and Tony knocked him out. We found ourselves on the avengejet on the way back to the tower.

I sat silently in my seat, the edges of my shirt ripped, some rips in the legs of my jeans and my hair a bit wilder than usual.

I was in half wolf form, my tail resting at my side. The fact that it came from my lower back made it more comfortable to sit with that if it came out of my tail bone aka my butt. Ew.

My ears atop my head were drooped down and we all sat in a tense silence. It was briefly explained to me that the girl Wanda had taken over our minds.

She'd made us all seen our fears and such and I just sat silently. My knees were pulled to my chest, and my chin resting on my knees.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." Maria informs.

"The Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asks.

"Already on the scene. How is everyone?" She says then asks.

"Everyone...we all took a hit. We'll recover." Tony says, looking down.

I drown the rest out, the images of what I'd seen still flashing through my head. It felt like I lost them all over again and it hurt. I close my eyes, looking out the window beside me. I stare at the clouds and soon fall asleep.
Here is a slightly longer chapter for all your enjoyment. Thank you for reading and remember:

~We will Avenge and Prevail, we are the Fallen Angels~


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