Chapter 23: Destroya

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*Since there's so many skip arounds here, this entire chapter is in 3rd person pov*

Back in the city, Steve and Wolfie were still getting people out, most of them leaving without having to be told, when suddenly robots started coming up from practically everywhere. Wolfie became wide eyed before one lands behind Steve and one in front of her. Growling, her mismatched eyes glowing as she and Slayer mentally collide.

Of course, Wolfie had long since accepted her but when she wasn't in danger or in full wolf form, Slayer was like a voice in the back of her head. Now that Wolfie was in danger (along with everyone else), she and Slayer mentally clicked to where hey were both in control. Slayer was helping Wolfie fight by making her stronger, giving advice, and taking over as Wolfie's instincts.

The robot attacks the black haired female and as a result, she pounces on it, still in half wolf, and with the extra boost of energy from Slayer, managed to rip out the wires from it's scrapped body. Jumping from it's body as it collapses another robot lands, giving Wolfie and Slayer another target to eliminate.

Nearby, Scarlett Witch and Hawkeye were having their own little robot attack.

"Quick, get off the bridge!" Wanda was quickly rushing people to leave the bridge that she and Clint were currently occupying.

Robots were flying up and attacking, blasting and shooting, and Clint was able to shoot a fair amount of them with his arrows. To the side, Wanda was blocking the people who were still fleeing with her powers, however when one of the robots blast her directly, she gasps and falls to the ground. The field she created automatically dissipating.

At the church, Vision quickly arrived and slowly levitated downwards through a hole in the ceiling. Ultron looks up, seeing the being, and uses his mechanics to also move off the ground, hovering only a few feet away from the inhuman. Both a few feet still off the ground as well.

"My vision," Ultron inspects Vision as he speaks, "They really have taken everything from me,"

"You set the terms, you can change them," Vision replies, no emotion in his voice or on his face.

"Alright," Ultron was quick to grab Vision but made the mistake of gripping his shoulders, leaving room for Vision to reach up and slam his hands on either side of Ultron's metal cranium.

Inside Ultron's 'mind', all of his servers and connections were being invaded by Vision. Ultron did not take kindly to this and slammed him into the nearest wall, though Vision's grip never loosened.

Steve, near the outskirts of the city, slams one of Ultron's minions onto a car, using his shield to finish it off just as Wolfie, behind him, finished the metal clod she'd been fighting.

Thor was somewhere underground fighting robots while Quicksilver sped through the city, stopping when he sees one of the metal bastards crawling from under a car. The two made eye contact for a moment before Pietro cracks his neck and begins to attack, speeding through a line of them and destroying them all.

"FRIDAY, the Vision?" Tony asks his AI, flying in his suit as he speaks.

"Boss, it's working. He's burning Ultron out of the net, he won't escape through there" Tony was relieved that in the midst of all the chaos, there was at least a small bit of hope.

In the church, Ultron finally manages to shove Vision off of him, but not after the gem powered being fully burning through his servers.

"You shut me out," Ultron snaps, flying up to Vision who hovered with his arms outstretched and eyes closed.

Grabbing him, Ultron slams him hard into the ground, "You think I care?" He shouts.

Vision laid on the ground, seemingly unconscious, and this gives Ultron nothing left in his way. The man of vibranium goes over to the core, slamming his hand onto the top and twisting.

"You take away my world," Ultron's voice held malice despite his overall robotic build, "I take away yours."


Okay guys, I think that's all I am going to post today (8-1-17) at least of this book. It's late and I am not comfortable being downstairs at night, but it's the only place that has a DVD player so I can watch the movie to write this book. So, thank you all for reading and remember:

~We will Avenge and Prevail, we are the Fallen Angels~


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