Forgotten Series | Laurance x Sasha (PDHS)

Start from the beginning

"I was thinking the park. Is that fine?" I asked glancing to her for a second.

"Anywhere but the school is perfect." Sasha said smiling to me. "Also, is everything alright with you? You don't seem usual."

I didn't reply, and instead turned on the radio. I think she got the hint and didn't ask about it for the rest of the car ride.

Even though Sasha had a cold and edgy appearance to the public, in private she was a great person. She  was a good emotional support, even if she seemed careless.

We pulled into a nearby park and got out of my car. We remained in a comfortable silence as we started to walk down the path the ShadowKnights usually walked down to go do some type of mischief. Sasha must've known I wasn't in the mood for any mischief though, because she didn't offer to do anything like she usually did.

As we walked, I stopped and abruptly sat on a bench, Sasha followed.

"I'm exhausted. I'm losing control of myself. My anger won't compress and I can't control myself." I blurted, looking to Sasha.

Sasha looked into my eyes, a sincere look was in her eyes. She has beautiful eyes, and she is able to express a lot with them, but only when she choses to.

"Has anything happened that has sparked this in you?" She asked putting a hand on my bicep.

"No." I replied looking to her hand, which was actually very comforting.

"I'm here if you need anything, or just to vent and stuff." She said removing her hand, which I quickly grabbed and held instead of allowing her to take it away. She didn't fight it.

"Thank you." I said nodding, looking at our hands.

"Laurence?" Sasha asked moving a bit closer to me. "I'm here for you as much as you need me. I'll do my best to help you, don't doubt it." She said squeezing my hand a small bit, and placing her other hand under my jaw.

We sat like this for a moment. A warm feeling spread through me looking at her. Her white hair fell curly over her shoulders, a black hat on her head. She had on winged eyeliner and mascara, a dusty silver eyeshadow on her lids, which made her purple eyes glow.

She was gorgeous.

Then, my eyes moved to her lips.

I contemplated. I've had slight feelings for Sasha for awhile now. Ever since she's shown her soft side, which I noticed is only to me, I started questioning it.

Before I could continue thinking, a pair of soft lips landed onto my lips.

Sasha is impatient if I haven't mentioned. Of course I kissed her back.

Sasha pulled away a tad bit breathless, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.

"You're a good kisser." I said sending her a smirk, causing her to look away and give out a small, breathless laugh.

"You are too."

Suddenly we heard an abrupt yell. "What are you kids doing out here! You should be in school!"

It was the park ranger. He very well knew who we were, since the ShadowKnights were so well known, and he's caught us ditching a few times.

Sasha and I exchanged a quick glance before sprinting as fast as we could to my car. Luckily, the park ranger didn't see our faces, so we would have no trouble.

As we drove off, Sasha and I broke out into laughter. "I was already breathless from our stereotypical teen first kiss, then I had to run? You know how long it's been since I ran?!" Sasha exclaimed as we aimlessly drove around.

I smiled and grabbed her hand. I wasn't into the gushy teen love stuff. But, this was comforting. It was clearing my head.

"Want to be my girlfriend?" I blurted, sending another smirk Sasha's way.

"What about Zenix and Gene? Won't they say it's, 'against the rules?'"

"Rules? Sasha, we're in the ShadowKnights. As long as we aren't all gushy around them, they won't care." I replied.

"That's true. Yeah, sure, I'll be your girlfriend." Sasha smiled towards me.

I could already see my future improving, and my feelings for this girl growing. I was happy.


Hey guys, thanks for reading. :)

Sorry if this was really oddly written or rushed, I wanted to get something out. I hope you all enjoyed otherwise! I really enjoyed writing this.

I've gotten a new spark to write, so I can possibly get some new things out. :)

Thank you for reading, again. Please leave a vote or comment, and leave suggestions below if you'd like. Follows are also very appreciated.

Thank you guys. :)

Much love,


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