Hamilton- PotC AU

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[A/N art and AU credit to Caw.Chan on Instagram and Tumblr. Kinda cut the watermark off so I stuck a new one on for the account. Also the first little bit isn't part of the story it just goes w/ the pic cause I'm dramatic]

The suddenly silent cave heard the quiet click click click of a gold coin on gleaming white bone.

Captain Alex Hamilton flashed a demonic smile into the shadows, his eyes looking unnaturally wide without their lids covering most of them. "Couldn' resist, mate."


Captain Alex Hamilton leaned against the helm of his ship, the temporary replacement for his glorious Black Pearl, and watched his crew. From where he was he could see his first mate, Laf, barking orders.

Alex himself was still having trouble swallowing, and his head was spinning some as he remembered the repeated slaps from some.... unhappy lovers.

"Cap'n!" He jumped as the first mate appeared next to him as if out of nowhere. If Laf seemed surprised by the squint Alex pinned him under, he didn't say it.


"Course set? Laurens be insistent we keep a hard pace."

Alex made a face and grumbled something incoherent under his breath. "Aye, course set. Set the sails and stay alert."

"Captain!" Angelica's voice boomed over the ship. "She's listing, turn to port."

"I'd appreciate ye leavin' command of my ship in my hands." Alex retorted. His face flashed a twisted grimace.

Laf's laughter boomed out over the ship as he slapped the shorter man on the shoulder. "With the wind, I make it nearly midday when we land."

And then Captain Alex was alone again, staring out to the sea. He searched through the many pockets of his clothes to find the large black box which housed his compass. He opened it, but as the needle spun wildly he scowled at it and snapped it shut.

Finding no solace in the horizon, Alex turned his attention to the crew. He watched Mulligan's parrot swoop down from the rigging to land on the man's shoulder. Alex idly watched the hulking man work, his hands shifting along the rail of the ship.


He slowly turned to face the man addressing him, waiting a moment before flashing a toothy smile and sweeping into a sarcastic bow. "Mr. Laurens. How may I be of assistance?"

John crossed his arms. "What is your plan when we catch up with Jefferson?"

Alex made a shrugging motion. "Well, Mr. Laurens, I was thinking we could discuss that when we were close."

John frowned. "Or we could discuss it now."

He made a face. "You see, Mr. Laurens, the thing about these plans is that they're best thought out in the moment."

"I'm not leaving it up to chance!"

"Hardly." Alex flashed him a weird smile. "What do you suggest?"

"I think we should go in, you be the distraction and I'll grab Martha."

Alex pondered this. "I see... or, you be the distraction and I grab the girl-"

"Forgive me if I don't completely trust you." John said quietly, his voice like stone.

The captain shrugged it off, flashing him another strange grin. "Hardly, Mr. Laurens. Ye can ne'er be too cautious among pirates. Aye, boys? And lady." The last was added as an afterthought as Angelica cleared her throat.

"Aye." Laf smiled. "If I didn't know who yer pistol was for, I'd worry ye'd use it on meself."

A chorus of agreement flew around the deck. Even Mulligan's parrot squawked out a quick, "aye, no trustin' pirates!"

The look on John Laurens' face said that this in no way eased his worries. Captain Alex wrapped an arm around his shoulders, earning a disgusted look and a shift from the younger man that was designed to separate the two of them.

"Listen, Johnny." Alex said, adopting some sort of seriousness. As serious as he could be, anyway. "We'll be gettin' yer bonny lass soon enough. When time comes, follow my orders, no matter the circumstance. Savvy?"

John scowled at him, but nodded. Alex hardly expected him to keep that promise, but what did he know? Maybe the son of Ol' Salt Ellie had some pirate blood still running in him after all.

[A/N 2- sorry this is shorter. And sorry for my awful pirate-accent-writing. But anyway! The people in the story!
First those set by the author that I used:
Alexander Hamilton- Captain Jack Sparrow
Lafayette- Gibbs
Thomas Jefferson- Captain Barbossa
Now ones I chose for this story:
Angelica Schuyler- Anamaria
Hercules Mulligan- Cotton
John Laurens- I know caw.chan has John as Elizabeth but I like him better as Will Turner
Martha Manning (Laurens' irl wife)- Elizabeth Swann
"Ol' Salt Ellie" Eleanor Ball Laurens- "Bootstrap" Bill Turner (I hate Henry Laurens too much to make him Bill. Old Salt is sometimes used to refer to an old sailor)
Also I imagine the angry girls from Tortuga being Eliza and Maria 😂


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