My Universe-Monsters Underneath

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I risked a glance up to see if Abby was asleep.

"She's out like a light, boss." I heard Markie whisper from the end of the bed.

"Good. Let's get moving. We're going down tonight, James wanted to switch it up so his team's got the passageways."

We moved quickly, helping each other with our gear and getting into formation as silently as possible.

I gathered my team around me. "Alright boys, we've got 9 hours. We need to cover as much ground as possible, you know how fast they get reinforcements. Split into your scouting groups and be ready for a fight. It's a black moon."

I received a quiet chorus of yessirs, then my teams were moving off in different directions.

"Keep close to me, Kyle, you take point." I murmured.

"Yes sir." Kyle moved forward and we stalked quietly through the shadows.

My radio crackled as I heard the sounds of guns firing off to our left.

"That's Jenny's group." Kyle hissed.

"They'll need help. They're a member short tonight." I motioned for my team to head in the direction of the fight.

It didn't take long to find the fighting. We couldn't see properly yet, but masses moved in view, guns flashing and shadows writhing.

Lizzie was on my left, so I pulled her with me and moved slightly away from the group. "Stay out of the fighting. I know you can handle yourself, but we'll need a sharpshooter tonight, and you're our best bet. Find somewhere higher up and start picking them off."

"You got it, Ted." She nodded and broke off from the group, dragging her partner with her. I watched them go until I was sure they were safely set up and had a good view.

"Boss, where should I set up?" Markie asked.

"Find out where Annabelle is. Set up near her, but not next to her." I advised him.

We could see the battlefield properly now, and it was a mess.

None of my team had been injured yet, thank the Lord, but the dead enemies on the floor made it harder to keep a solid footing.

"Commander, look out!" I heard someone shout. I started to turn but I wasn't fast enough.

I forced myself not to yell as I felt my fabric rip. A stuffing began to leak out slowly.

"Ted, get over here!" Annabelle barked as a small plastic bullet slammed through the ugly skull of the monster that attacked me. It dissolved into goo as I staggered away from it.

Annabelle began to stitch me up quickly.

"This one's pretty deep, Ted." She said slowly. "I don't know if it's going to heal fully by the end of the night."

I shrugged. "Abby's only 3. She's not going to notice a tiny rip in her teddy bear's arm."

Annabelle shook her head lightly, her faux fur ears flopping and momentarily covering her button eyes. "Whatever you say sir. Get back in there."

I grabbed my gun, checking to make sure the plastic bullets were there, then charged into the fray.

"Good to see you're okay, Commander." Jenny greeted me as I moved up to her, firing on the demons that inhabited the UnderBed.

"I've taken worse. Remember that time Abby pulled off my eye?"

"It wasn't as bad as the time she dumped milk all over me." Jenny insisted. "I smelled disgusting for weeks.

"She's just a kid, we can't fault her," Markie said over the radio. "But if you're arguing over who has it worse, I'd like to remind you of the time she spit up on me and James."

"Commander, you've got enemy reinforcements coming in from the south." Lizzie spoke over the radio.

"Take out as many as you can from up there, keep us updated on how close they are." I ordered, glancing up at where she and Dirk were perched on top of a stack of baby blocks.

"Sir, there are hostiles headed towards the border." Jesse reported.

"Mason, Fiona, head after them. Don't let them leave UnderBed."

The twin stuffed kittens took off, slinging their guns over their backs and dropping onto all fours to move faster.

"Enemy reinforcements are a foot from you sir." Lizzie reported.

"Thanks Liz." I responded, reaching for the flashbang that was clipped to my belt.

"Everyone hit the deck!" I chucked it into the middle of the mass of monsters. My team dropped as the bright light exploded outward, disintegrating any creature it touched.

"We've got a couple strays." Jesse said.

"Got 'em." Lizzie said calmly. Three shots rang out, then silence reigned.

"Fiona, Mason, how's it coming?" I asked over the radio.

"Just finishing up sir." Fiona answered. "Mason's nose button is loose again."

"I'll help him with it when I get there." Annabelle said. Lizzie and Dirk joined us quickly.

"Alright Stuffies. Leave the monster lights and let's move out."

As we marched back home to OnBed, Jenny sidled up to me. "Ted, do you think Abby will ever stop needing us?"

"No." I said firmly. "Even when she gets older, if she doesn't believe in monsters anymore, they will always be in UnderBed. And that's what we'll be here for. That's what every child's Stuffy army is for."

"Don't forget to drop your gear before you go back to your daytime posts." I called once we got close to the trail to OnBed.

We stashed our gear inside the leg of Abby's bed, then climbed up the blanket and laid down where we were supposed to. I watched Lizzie slip carefully under little Abby's arm, falling limp and looking for all the world like a stuffed lizard baby toy.

That's what she was after all. That's what we all were. Stuffed animals. Toys, to be played with and then eventually given away.

And we would move on and protect that child too.

Protect them from the monsters under the bed.

[A/N yes, I wrote a one shot about a stuffed animal army that fights the monsters under the bed]

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