PJO/HoO- All These Colors

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I see colors.

I know, I know, almost everyone can see colors. But I'm not talking about being able to tell a shirt is green or red.

I'm talking about colors.

My name is Piper McLean. I'm a daughter of Aphrodite, which means I can sense emotions to some extent.

But I can also see them.

Each cabin, different children of different gods, tend to have similar colors.

The Ares cabin is a dark blood red.

Hecate's children sport either royal purple or bright, poisonous green.

The children of Hermes have a dusty brown or a dark gold.

The Demeter cabin has a grassy green, sort of like the open field between the volleyball courts and the arena.

I see the emotions behind the colors. Bright flares of happiness, trailing tendrils that show someone's love reaching out, darkness creeping in with anger.

I always smile when I see Travis and Katie talking, their colors are so pretty together. Gold on green, swirling around them like a mist. They're mad for each other, but won't say anything.

The colors can be painful to watch sometimes. There's so many people here. Most of the time I try to shut them down.

But they can't be ignored all the time, and I wouldn't want to.

You see, some people have more specific colors. The Athena cabin's don't match, each child has a different pastel color that forms large gears which grind over their head when they're thinking hard.

The Apollo cabin doesn't have a specific color either. Theirs stretch from the palest yellow to a dark red to purples to blues. All the colors of the sky, sunsets and clouds and bright lights.

There's a boy in the Nike cabin whose color is completely white. I have no clue why, but he seems different from his siblings so it might have something to do with that.

Nico's is black, dark as night and the shadows he uses to get around. Instead of getting darker when he's angry, it usually gets lighter, something I've puzzled over for a long time.

Thalia's puzzling too, but mesmerizing at the same time. Silver and blue twined together to form a new color. 

I've noticed that the Hunt all have silver in their colors, making some of the most interesting hues I've seen.

But not all the colors are happy.

Some people, the ones who survived both wars, their colors have changed.

Clarisse's is a darker red than her siblings, with black flecks. She's missing her friends, and she opened up a little when I explained that I could see her pain. She told me about Silena, how much she misses her.

I see what my friends feel.

I see my friends when they're happy.

Frank talks to Hazel and his color just pops bright. 

His color is bright red. It's usually stuttery at first, like he's glitching. 

I've assumed that's his nervousness.

Hazel's color is gold. Whenever Frank talks to her, it pulls his glitchy strands, straightening them and entwining with them.

Their colors go together well. 

My color is pink. 

I see it when I think about how much people mean to me. 

It sort of floats around me, like little clouds.

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