Christmas in America

Start from the beginning

Ben practically had to force himself to ignore his thoughts and finish packing so he could leave his house on time. He got a ride to the airport and started the long process of getting his bags checked and going through security. In the end, he barely had time to walk to where his plane was and get on before it left.

Waiting for the plane to get to it's destination wasn't much better than the week he had to wait to get on it. At least the long ride gave Ben time to calm himself down and once again feel excitement to meet Ian.

The plane landed after what seemed like ages, but it was more than worth it. Ben quickly got off and began looking for his friend. The moment his eyes landed on the other man his heart skipped a beat. A smile spread across his face and he ran to him.

"Ian!" The younger man couldn't help but to yell out in excitement as he wrapped his arms around the other in a hug.

Ian let out a surprised grunt before chuckling, "Good to see you too, Crainer." Ian hugged back for moment and pulled away. He looked down at the smiling boy and smirked.

Ben tilted his head to the side in confusion, "What?"

"How's the weather down there, shortie?"

"Hey! I'm not that short!"

"So, you admit that you are short?"

Ben glared up at Ian, "That's not what I meant." He crossed his arms pouted to emphasize his point.

Ian chuckled at his friend's childishness, "Come on, let's go get your luggage... shortie." He gestured for Ben to follow and, after an extra-pouty moment, he did.

Compared to the flight and previous week, picking up Ben's luggage and driving to Ian's house was impossibly fast. It felt like they had just left the airport as Ian pulled his car into the driveway.

"And here we are. Feel free to make yourself feel at home." Ian smiled.

"Then I will," Ben smirked.

"Just no running around naked or anything." Ian chuckled as the other blushed.

"Ian, I know that I'm weird but I'm not that weird." Ben was, once again, pouting.

Ian shrugged, "Just making sure."

Ben sighed and got out of the car. Ian followed after him and, before long, they had all of Ben's stuff in the room that he would be staying in.

The first couple of days were filled with excitement. The only awkward part being that, on the third day, Ben had cracked and had to explain to Ian that he really didn't like being called 'Crainer' in real life and for him to call him by his real name instead. Ian agreed that it would be better as he, too, felt weird calling he Danish man by his screen name in person.

The next few days passed rather well. The boys teasing each other about anything they could, lots of games played and videos recorded. And, especially, lots of time just hanging out and doing normal friend stuff. Like sitting around all day watching TV.

When Christmas day came around, they didn't do much else either. They had decided days ago that Ben had spent enough money to get there and that being together was enough of a present for both of them. So, they just sat together on the couch and watched sappy, romantic Christmas movies. The whole time, making fun of and mocking them. So, it was quite hypocritical when Ben spoke in defense of the movies.

"But, ya know, there is something magical and almost... romantic about Christmas."


"Yeah, s-something about spending time with loved ones and just... being happy. I-it's really nice."

"Loved ones, huh?" Ian smirked.

"Y-yeah." Ben blushed.

"Then, do you love me?" Ian's tone showed that the question was obviously a joke but, Ben took the moment as his chance.

"I... yeah."

"Wait... wha-"

Ben turned to face the other, "I... I love you, Ian."

"You... do..?"

"Yeah. And, yes, like that."

"Then... you won't mind this..?" Ian gently and hesitantly placed his hand over Ben's.

"No, I don't mind." Ben smiled and shifted his hand so that their fingers were interlaced between them.

"How bout... this?" Ian turned towards the other and placed his hand on Ben's cheek.

The younger shook his head, "Nuh-uh," he placed his hand over Ian's.

Ian smiled softly as he looked down into Ben's green eyes. Ben smiled back as he looked up into Ian's deep blue ones. They didn't know when they began to lean closer to each other but, the kiss was amazing for a lack of experience between them. A perfect mixture of passion, innocence, and Christmas magic left them both with an amazing, breathless feeling.

Ben closed his eyes and leaned into Ian's hand, still on his face. "That was... amazing, Ian."

"Yeah," Ben could feel it as Ian breathed out the words, "it was."

The Danish boy blushed more, "D-do you wanna do it again?"

"Sure," Ian had barely gotten the word out before he connected their lips again. This kiss was less magical but, amazing none the less. "I guess there is something that I want for Christmas after all."

"Huh? What is it?"

Ian smiled and let his arms drop down to move Ben onto his lap. The smaller man tried to cover his face to keep Ian from seeing that it had become as red as the decorations in the room but, was stopped as Ian cupped his face. The older man looked at him with a more loving expression than he could of even hoped to be looked at with. "All I want for Christmas, Benjamin, is for you to be mine. So, will you be my boyfriend?"

"I-," Ben stared speechlessly at Ian.


A big smile spread across Ben's face, "O-of course! Of course I'll be your b-boyfriend!"

"Good." Ian tilted Ben's face down and pressed a soft kiss against his lips. A moment later, the kiss was broke but, they didn't move away. Close enough to feel each other talking, Ian whispered against Ben's lips, "I love you."

"I love you too, Ian." The Danish man whispered back against Ian's lips before pressing them together in another magical Christmas kiss.


1630 words! Yeah, I kinda don't limit myself on bonus chapters :P

Comment down below if you'd be fine with more long stories like this!!

Requests always open!

~Angel ^-^

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