Cool Witch↭Harry

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When I tell you the first thing I did upon waking up was squeal I am not lying, when I say I jumped to my wall calendar I never found handy apart from today I am not lying. But I am lying when I say I did not feel my life and love being taken away from me. I felt everything, the electricity, the emptiness in my stomach, the twirling and change in my routines because of the sudden alternation. Let me rewind.....

It was the year I begin saving up for the most life changing event, before it even happened; I decided that I have had enough waiting and that someone. No one will care for me if I dont. I had already wasted 4 years waiting for someone to get me any concert ticket - but no my friend that only happens in an unrealistic fan-fiction on Wattpad and Tumbler. It took me a year alright but it happened! and here I am getting dressed for THE HARRY STYLES CONCERT!

I thought my life could not get anymore( fouckin perfect) as I sat in the back seat of the taxi cap calming my way through the ride. But yes it can - only the first part though dear life decided to fouuck with me on the wrong time. Imagine me going crazy Mexican women having enough with her old husband now in order for you to get me - my taxi driver made a little tiny accident but no can we continue the ride smoothly because I am about to be late for a freakin HARRY STYLES CONCERT! No its time to recite all of the average taxi driver work and life struggles to the seemingly not so average man who had hit the cap from the back. "Sir please can we go! You did not mean it He did not mean it. And I did not mean it, but please I am about to miss a very important..." my rant was cut as the taxi driver raised his hand to stop me "You? asking me to run and leave my babe here moaning in pain? no my friend I will revenge my love!" I looked between him and the car the old rusty cap? am I on glue or? "Okay fine suit yourself! I will take another cap guess what! I am not paying anything we are not even half way through!" I said pretending to walk away but as if nothing been said he shot me away with his hand and continued his pity fight with the other guy who hit his so called love cap.

I flared hitting my legs multiple times on the concrete trying to hail a cap, after having enough with 6 caps passing by I stood in front of one forcing the driver to stop. "You cray woman! get the heck of the road or I will be smashing yo pretty little face and aint caring" The guy called at me sticking his head out the window. I walked to him angry to say the least, "YOU! do you see where that is?" I gritted through my teeth moving my phone in front of his face. "Y...yes" he answered. "Take me there now!" I shouted jumping faster than lightning in the front seat.

30 mins later I was yes there but almost an hour late to get in quickly. Yet at least 2 hours before the actual concert. I ran to the beginning of the line feeling peoples eyes, "Where is Helena I need to meet here right now," I shouted at the guard panic obvious in my tone."Helena the lightning tech?" he asked. I looked at him contemplating, "YES! is there any other Helena?" I asked making it obvious. "and where is your .." he pointed gesturing to his chain id. "I am not working here but please let me see her take me to her please!" I begged.

"And what is this about?" He asked I did not know what to do so yet again I improvised. "about me telling her I can not live with out her I fouucked up bad - but I love her I swear I do! I am so in love with her I ...... please let me see her one last time," "Okay!!! enough, go in you will find her backstage" He started. FREAKING YES! I squealed inside that was so unexpected it normally does not work "Helena? lesbian?" I heard him before I ran away.

I found the woman guiding people to thier seats but I thought I'd wonder around first before going to my place. Then I could watch the sound check. I found the people going back stage and someone actually calling for Helena what are the odds of having a lesbian Helena here! My questions were answered so quickly I thought Karma had Flash powers cause omg! "Hey you're the girl! You did not find Helena Yet?" He asked.
"No, no. I found her but it did not go well."

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