Corpulent ↭Louis

41 6 1

Elanna P. O. V

I tapped my fingers and legs like crazy waiting in anticipation, wanting and hoping I'd get out unharmed. Emotionally nor physically to be specific. I tugged on my red coat checking my watch as I'd made the lousy job of forgetting my phone. I adjust my beanie and smack my lips when I see the doors open for the passengers to pass. A smile paints itself permanently on my lips when I see the first of the travellers walk through the gates, followed by a rather familiar face. Before I make my way a large group of people and photographers surround the place.

My heartbeats pick up when I see him walk a head his head down. My tears threatening to stream, I push people in front of me and run. I throw my body on him and thank the lord he hadn't landed on the floor. "Oh! Well I know when I've been missed" he speaks in my ear, wrapping his arms tightly around my back and bum. "God I missed you" he sighs walking a few steps ahead before putting me back on my feet.

I grin idioticly when he intertwines our hands and walks through the crowd, whom I'd managed to distract myself away from. Although, my desperate attempts to just block people away and greet my boyfriend warmly like he deserved I caught a couple of 'not very nice' comments. He didn't notice though, nobody normally did it just seems like I'm not ever good no matter. I understand thoroughly I'm an over weight, people just don't have to address it everywhere I go.

I'm just holding on to the last of my hopes, the boy walking beside me. I felt his thumb rubbing circles on my skin soothing me, it wasn't long until we were finally in the car privately. My eyes bulges at the realization OMG I'm such a horrible person.

"What?" He asked chuckling, I'd probably looked like a dying fish.

"The boys! I forgot to say Hi and welcome them back! Omg I even made cupcakes, I'm such a horrible friend what would they probably think of me!" I covered my face.
I stopped my ranting when I heard the blue eyed boy laugh, "what's funny, do you even realize the size of the crisis?" I asked.

"I don't, but looks like such a crucial, decisive point. We have to act fast," he started rubbing his chin his thinking face on display.

"Yes, I'll tell the driver to turn back around" I told him, about to open the partition.

"Should I call Military Forces and Secret Service Executive and Chairman of Defence?" He asked in all seriousness, I twirled my tongue informed. He just laughed and placed his guitar bag on the floor, "come'er they're on their way to the hotel you say Hi and hug and kiss well not kiss but you can give them cupcakes just one thou" he warned, making me smile and lay my head on his shoulder.

His hands trailed from my upper arm to my hips, pulling me on his lap. I giggled, when he started tickling my sides. "Stop" I whispered, shaking my head nudging my nose with his cheek.

He pinned my hair behind my ear, smiling at me. I blushed when he didn't stop gazing at me, I'd soon start telling him everything I've been feeling and keeping from him. I moved both my hands from his shoulders and rested them on his cheeks, closing my eyes I pressed my lips firmly against his. Resting his hand on my hip rubbing on my hipbone, the other on the side on my neck. When did he even sneak his hand inside my coat?

"Lou," I gasped, his touch that I've missed so much drove me crazy. His lips drew a trial down my collarbone, I tilted my head to the side giving him more access. I shortly kissed him again my hands on his waist pulling him incredibly close to me. I took a sudden in take of breath when I felt him harden under me. He pushed my bum closer letting me feel him properly, I moaned softly nibbling on the side of his neck to muffle my voice. "So good" I panted.

"You're so beautiful Elanna." His voice came out soft almost nonexistent. I bought my head back  looking at him lovingly, a small toothless smile connecting our foreheads my index finger tracing his thin soft lips.

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