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Katrina P. O. V

I took the stairs two at a time, throwing my clothes off wanting to skip to shower before I had to start dinner. I stepped out my shower feeling refreshed, I put on an old shirt and shorts after throwing my hair up in a ponytail, I turned the T. V on to keep me company while cooking.

I heard foot steps so I tilted my head to the side a small smile finding its way on my lips. "Hmmm what smells so good?" Niall said sneaking his arms around my waist and planting a kiss on my cheek. I pressed my cheek closer to his lips as he gave me another forceful wet kiss. I giggled wiping my cheek, "I'll come back to you" he said taking his jacket off and skipping to our bedroom.

It's been about four years since Niall and I got married and it's been happiness ever since I met him at a Spring Festival, I still kept my job at the bank even though Niall had asked me to leave it or take a break until I deliver my baby. Yes, I'm 2 months pregnant it wasn't yet obvious and I didn't feel sick most times instead I just felt sleepy but then again I've always found it easy to sleep 11-13 hours a day. I continued with my task of preparing the table Niall came and helped me after changing his clothes, we sat and talked about our day while eating.

Time flew by so quickly as I cleaned up and tidied the kitchen and the living area a little bit, mentally noting to hover tomorrow. After finishing paper work and calling my parents I entered the bedroom to see Niall on his phone, "are you taking a selfie Horan?" I asked taking my shirt off because it got wet from doing the dishes.

"Yes Mrs Horan" he teased. I giggled, fumbling through my shirts for my favorite night gown. Instead I found the newest set of lingerie I purchased, I looked over my shoulder to see if Niall was looking at me but he was on his phone. I'm so jealous of that phone and it's apps!
I narrowed my eyes at him, getting pissed I took the set shutting the drawer and entering the bathroom I changed into the black sheer material and put my hair down after putting purfum on. My feet carried me to our shared bedroom, standing at the door way in the semi dark room. I cleared my throat to catch Niall's attention, but only to flam as he continued to text on his damn phone.

I heard him chuckle, "are you going to stand so far longer? I'm getting co.." Niall's sentence was cut as he raised his eyes looking at me, "lder" he finished making me smirk. "Holy shit!" He muttered under his breath.

I flipped my hair walking to my side of the bed, "what do you think you're doing?" My husband asked.

"Nothing, I'm adjusting my pillow" I said coyly.

Niall pulled my arm making me fall on bed under him as he hovered over me. "What got you so pissed, although I like you mad but tell me" he said.

I huffed, "so you know," I hissed.

"Ohh scary, I'm sorry though babe" he said bending down and biting on my earlobe. I shuddered but quickly gained my posture back, making Niall smile. It mad me swallow the fit I was gonna give him as he apologized before even knowing what he did.

"Can you at least pay me half the attention you give your phone?" I snapped.

He crooked his eyebrows pouting his lips, "you feel like I don't pay you attention Katrina?" He asked.

I bit my lip, feeling like I've hurt him. He was, but wasn't in a way. He'd talk to me and everything but wouldn't watch me as he use to, wouldn't smile as I walk by, wouldn't watch sappy movies with me. He was always doing something on that phone, wouldn't casually stroke my hair while I lay my head on his lap as he sings to me, all the little things we use to have that weren't worth mentioning but meant everything to me were slowly fading away. I didn't say anything as I divert my eyes from his, I felt his hand on my chin moving it so I could look at him.

"Tell me" Niall voiced.

"Do you still love me as much as our first night?" Niall's touch left my face making me regret talking.

"I've my babe growing inside you Katrina don't you think it's a little late to ask that?" He said, I didn't say anything my eyes pleading for him to tell me otherwise.
Niall took a breath, "I'll show you how much," he said attacking my lips and kissing them forcefully pushing his tongue inside my mouth moving from there to my jaw to nibbling on my neck. He left kisses all across my chest area. "I never stopped loving you, I'm sorry you feel like I don't give you attention Katrina. I never want to make you feel like that... ever" Niall said, rubbing circles on my hips. His fingers brushed over my thin underwear, making me moan lowly yet gasp loudly as he pushed my underwear to the side rubbing my clit with the digit of his middle finger while holding my sex lips open to have better access.

"I foucking love you everyday twice as much as I loved you four years ago, I told you something on our first night do you remember it babe?" Niall gritted curling his middle finger inside me, I could feel his joints his rough action of pumping in and out of me made it so hard to utter any word. He was teasing me though, by not touching me where he knew I needed him the most. I tried to reach down, but he pulled his hand out of me making me let out a sharp intake of breath as he pinned both my wrist above my head. Kissing below my ear asking once more, "do you remember Katrina?" I hummed in approval, "use your words babe"

"I remember Niall" I whispered, just enough for him to hear.

"Say it!" He said his voice determined and it scares me when he does that.

"You occupy every cell of my brain and every corner of my heart for you're my home for eternity" we both recited the words, as if my clocks stopped...

"You occupy every cell of my brain and every corner of my heart for you're my home for eternity" Niall repeated, I realsed my hand from his putting my palm flat on his cheek. I want to stare at those sparkling eyes all day, and run my fingers through that hair until it's messy looking I want to stay wrapped inside those arms I don't even get to know how rapid the night has turned itself into day; and I know it still won't be enough. I want to lock my lips against yours and feel how easy you can smile even though your mouth is locked.

"I want to be with you, I choose you; I pick you. Every single time. Give me your wholehearted kiss" I recited my part brushing my thumb on Niall's cheekbone gently. We looked into each other's eyes, his eyes went from mine to my lips then to my eyes again as he bent down slowly brushing his lips ever so softly then pressing them fully against mine for a kiss that bought tears to my eyes.

It was unlike any kiss we ever had, it had to much meaning I wrapped one leg around Niall's waist wanting to feel him as close as possible. Pressing my chest to his, patting my fingers under his shirt feeling his lips turn smiling even though they were locked against mine. His hands started roaming my body supporting his weigh by his knees on either side of me.

Our love and affection didn't just end, after four years of marriage it's safe to say it just started. We had the will to make this work and go for so long and I felt powerful. Niall's love was a priceless possession, one I'll keep safe for eternity.

Euphoric kind of joyous love.

Hallo beautiful readers, this is just a little thing came to my mind I miss Niall so much so here. 1300+ WORDS! Feels like 300 anyhow hopefully you enjoyed. 5th of Jan, 2017 @ 4:25AM
I lost a full chapter, it was one of my favs GOD! I'm so sad.... Idk fml bs f damn

Lots of love ❤❤❤

Mimi ✌

31 of March, 2017 @ 10:51 PM

Astounding ↭ 1D ShotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat