Boss pt3

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Almas P.O.V

"You don't know me Ms Alvi and you never will"

"You can let me, why do you hate me so much? Is it because Li asked you to hire me? Or is it because of my rambling? Omg Li always told me I only do it when I'm nervous but I can't do anything about it! Oh.. I know I know it's because everything, I'm really struggling because I don't know how. You can fire me, I know you hired me out of pity." I closed my eyes
surrendering to my horrible fate. "Be gentle" I squeaked.

I opened my eyes when he didn't say anything, to see him staring at me. I sighed wrapping my arms tightly around myself. Zayn took a sharp breath taking his jacket off lending it to me, "For me?" I asked gesturing to myself holding the soft fabric. "Thanks boss" I said sliding my hands in the sleeves dangling a bit though it wasn't that big on me.

I played with the fabric of his coat getting caught up in my game, "I didn't hire you out of pity Ms Alvi I thought you'd know better out of all people I'm not exactly nice when it comes to business"

"I know" I replied, Zayn looked away. "You're extremely nice" I added. He turned looking at me and I swear I saw I hint of blushing cheeks.

"You can stop whatever you have up your sleeve Ms Alvi."

"I have your coat on, it's really soft thanks." I said snuggling closer to it burying my face inside the collar.
He face palmed, making me laugh. "I'm kidding, not in a child way pun intended" I winked, it took him a moment to get it before he started laughing biting his lip and shaking his head.

Shortly I was yet again in the car dossing of every now and then trying to stay awake  the ride seemingly much longer than I remembered.

"Don't sleep Ms Alvi"

"Stop calling me Ms Alvi, Mr Malik" I groaned adjusting my lazy posture.

My head dropped a couple of times before I felt Zayn breath in frustration and push my head up to rest on the backwards and pull my seatbelt on. My head dropped yet again, but I couldn't left it feeling comfortable finally.

"Ms Alvi wake up!" I was shook vigorously.

I hummed, looking up with a smile "I'm awake" I said.

"Your house" Zayn pointed.

I started to get out only to get pulled back by the seatbelt. Zayn bent over unplugging it for me, "Thanks Zayn, sorry to have bothered you." I said sleeply.

"No it's okay." He said surprising me.

I looked up with a dreamy smile. "You have to come for Christmas please?" I begged.

"I'll think about it." He nodded.

"Don't think just come,"

"Good night.."

"Alma" I completed for him.

"Merry Christmas Li" I said hugging him tightly he picked me up twirling us around.

"Back at you Almas" he said.

I giggled, I saw Zayn afar when he saw me he was about to leave but I kissed Liam quickly telling him to get in. I called "Mr Malik!" He stopped in his tracks.

"I'm so glad you came." I grinned.

"I was just leaving," my smile upon that asking why.
"This is obviously is a family gathering I'll see you at work" he said turning around to leave yet again.

"No no please," I started, only for my mom to call my name.
"Dear come in its cold outside, is that Liam's friend?" She asked.

I looked at Zayn begging him, muttering please. "I'm Zayn Malik, nice to meet you Mrs Alvi" he said shaking my mom's hand.

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