Lean On↭Niall

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It was all dark once, and then suffocating the next. I had no control over my limbs, they were tied together.

The black cloth bag that covered my head was lost as I sank in the depth of the dark cold water. I was supposed to take care.

I shouldn't have went out this late,  but where's my chance? If something I deserve to have,  then it's a second chance of survival.

But, as my attempts to untie my wrists and ankles from one another go futile I knew I won't get my chance, just like I didn't get anything that I've wanted through the course my whole life.

I let it go and relax my muscles as I... Drown to death. My life plays like a tape in front of my eyes.

I'm Marcella Carnine, an orphan. I hated it,  the fact that I was left, rather thrown away at the door of a Foster house. I was unneeded since the day I was brought to life.

Did I careless?  I don't think so. But,  I believed I had a life to live. That there was more to earth than a pail building that I never believed I belonged in.

I believed that there was something out there waiting for me.

So, I escaped.

But it all went wrong,  just like that night nine months before I was born when the man who had a hand in my existence forgot to use a condom.

Sad,  so sad.

Big filthy men caught me wondering in the streets, I didn't get what was happening till hands were stymieing my mobility.

And from there,  you know what happened. They couldn't do what they wanted to do with my body because of my continuous protest. So they beat me up and threw me away.

I guess the believe that there was more to this world than misfortune was just a delusion that I single handedly created.

I brought this upon myself.

I close my eyes in surrender.

Maybe I would have a better life up there, better people and a better world, I wished as my soul seeps out of my body just as my breath was.

It's over. I felt the urge to smile, I don't have to suffer anymore nor resent myself for things that I had no hand in.

It is, finally ending. And the world as I know it drowns into an ocean of black. One that no one can rescue me from,  I assume.

I was wrong, my assumption was proved once again wrong when I felt warm ground under me and something soft over my mouth.

It was giving me the breath I needed to jolt my organs to life. When that warm source sent just enough air to my heavy lungs I coughed.

Water started coming out of my mouth, I couldn't see yet but I felt it on my chin,  neck and shirt.

Next, I acknowledged the warm big hand around my neck and the arm that held the small of my back.

The wormth radiating from my side lessened the icing sensations that took over my body as I shivered,  so I leaned into it seeking more.

I heard heartbeats,  and felt a hard chest as the same secure arms took me in. Engulfing me in a much needed bubble of warmth, a hug.

I couldn't believe it,  I could feel the sun through my eyelids,  I am alive. I could open my eyes, my cheek was pressed to the body of warmth and as much as I wanted to see who was it, I couldn't.

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