Radio Flam↭Liam

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Please where my Liam and 1d girls at? Girls plz some votes won't kill?

Silva P. O. V

"We're still waiting for your tweets on #askSilva hope you guys have a beautiful morning, stay tuned this is Give me a Reason by Pink. Enjoy!" I spoke into the mic. Turning the mic off and moving the button up to raise the music volume I pulled my headphones out and turned around in my chair as I saw Jessy motion to me that they're here. I got up nodding to her and pulling my hair up in a messy bun on my way to the waiting room, "Expresso please!" I held Mark's shoulder as I saw him on my way out.

"You got it" Mark said putting a cup of tea down for a coworker. I thanked him resuming with my walk.

"Good morning you guys! It's so good to meet you," I said, extending my hand to shake the first boy's hand.

"Thank you for having us" the brown haird with the black shirt and red pants said. I giggled, "we had to lock down our lines for the crazy amount of phone calls and omg twitter sphere melted down. Nice to finally meet you One Direction!" I ended as I shook hands with the last boy.

"Thanks yeah! Cheers!" The blonde said.

I felt bad for not knowing their names, I did know okay! I just didn't know who is who okay, I pushed back and told the boys to follow me. Thanking Mark before I entered the studio taking a sip from my double Espresso. I saw the red light start to go off I reacted quickly pushing my way through two of the boys jumping on my chair putting my headset on putting my drink down turning my mic back on "it's 9:17 minutes in Panorama Studios. Set fire to the room! Ladies and gentlemen this is our fourth and final hour" I said putting another song on, then taking my headphones off again.

"So! How have you guys been? We still have about 10 minutes. So introduction? I'm Silva!" I said.

One guy in particular chuckled for an unknown reason, "Liam nice to meet you Silva"

I giggled, "like wise, Lili Liam" I cought myself at the middle of the crisis. Did I just call him Lili?

"Niall" the blonde said waiving. I waived my hand back smiling.

"I'm Louis" the boy with black shirt and red pants! Mental note to praise him on the outfit.

" I am Harry" the curly haird said.

" I'm Zayn" the black haird boy said. I smiled nodding going over thier names in my mind again.
"Sorry to have you guys so early, have you guys had breakfast yet?" I asked.

" Yeah" Niall said.

" Really?" I said but ment it as a question.

"No" Niall said taking his answer back.
I gave him a toothy grin, "good cause we're having breakfast togather, welcome to my humble home" I said.

"Thanks. It's pleasure to be here." Harry said.

I smiled, "You guys are really cute, anyway you guys should be on at 9:30 half of the time will be for music and a little interview will take place in the middle. Not really questions but like a chat, and we'll answer a few calls on air. Hopefully nothing too embarrassing?" I said taking a few sips of my drink.

"Cool" Zayn said. I gave them the head sets and bought the mics closer to them.

"Will you guys have any time off soon?" I asked.

"We're hopping for a few hours tonight" Louis said.

" You guys should go out sight seeing our country has a lot of cool places I'm sure England missed" I explained, sipping on my drink. "Guys please help yourselves please" I motioned to the drinks and water on the table.
They looked at each other then Harry took the water. They're too polite!

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