Boss pt2

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Almas P.O.V

"Liam" I heard my boss's voice. I let go of Liam after planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Zayn, I was gonna go looking for you" Liam smiled, I had not yet turned to Zayn pissed at him and I was the one thinking of taking more work so he can rest not happening buddy!

Zayn chuckled, "I see you're a little busy with your lady friend" I turned around looking at him his face twisted he didn't know it was me? "Ms Alvi," he gathered himself saying. "Go and schedule a meeting with Mr Osborne" Zayn glared.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yes now, go" he warned.

"Okay, when?" I asked before going.

"I don't know when that's your job so fouckin do it" he gritted.

I rolled my eyes turning to Liam again putting my hand on his standing on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek again.  "I love you, I'm so proud of you" I told him.

He grinned, "Thanks gorgeous" he muttered, I felt Zayn glaring at me so I swiftly turned and yes indeed he was pissed his eyes told a different story though. I nevertheless escaped his gaze walking towards Mr Osborne, the man who shamelessly eyed my cleavage and leaned in brushing his subtle over my neck his hsnd skimming over my hip whispering. I took a few steps back handling it professionally I arranged a meeting and walked away towards Zayn feeling shaken up, I knew if I went to Liam he'd immediately leave whatever he's doing and look after me it's his night I can't make it about me however Zayn won't even notice. Either way I needed to be around people and not alone, "Zayn," I called lowly, he turned looking at me. "Mr Malik sorry I finished with Mr Osborne" he nodded, telling me what to do next. For a couple of hours Zayn and I would meet people and talk business, when I thought I saw Mr Osborne stare at me with a devilish grin that scares more than allures I tapped Zayn' s shoulder he huffed turning to look at me.

"Don't touch me Ms Alvi, I'd prefer if you stop brushing your hand against mine" he said.

"S... Sorry, can I talk to you for a minute," I begged.

He nodded, I let out a relieved breath, "are you Okay Ms Alvi?" He asked.

"Yeah, just can I go home now?" I asked.

"We're not finished here Ms Alvi" he said sternly.

All I had to do was look at him pouting mindlessly before he started to say, "Unfinished business that could wait until tomorrow" I sighed upon hearing that, nodding in appreciation.

"Th. Thank you Mr Malik"

He was just walking away as I did before I exited the building I made sure to text Liam so he wouldn't worry like the always solicitous about my wellbeing he is. Just in time as I raised my eyes from my phone to the road I saw Mr Osborne's two bodyguards I know too well. Oh no this is not happening I've seen this scene in my books and movies too many times, shall I just scream and wait for my hero or call it a day and run? Hard to choose really, they started to approach me and yes its happening it's the typical rape scene only I'm not the typical character. I backed off about to head inside again, to only pumb into someone. I rubbed my forehead, did the blind human just smudge my makeup!

Oh the blind human just saved me, or this could just be another one of Mr Osborne's... I looked up my eyes widened. "Zayn," I breathed.

He continued to stare behind me making me turn, to find the men backing away. I'm suddenly getting pushed inside the arriving car, I later recognize as Mr Malik's. Okay...

His eyes raged at nothing in particular, I cleared my throat. "Thanks" I start.

He rolled his eyes, "What were you thinking Ms Alvi walking past midnight alone in the street"

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