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Madeline P. O. V

It was that moment my memories tricked me yet another time that everything was okay, he'll come back. He'll fight for me, but the truth is: its over we're over. He's way over me, so why can't I just move on! We were fine, we were so in love we were happy weren't we?

I let out a sharp in take on breath when I saw his sight come to light, looking so good Li I shook my head at my thoughts. Can you legit enjoy this one night with your friends Madi?

The great intensity of the screams around me didn't stop my wondering eyes and ears to see or hear anything but Him.

I could've sworn I almost saw Louis smile and wave at me, it's nice to still have that. Are we still friends, they always have this sort of unspoken rule of cutting all connections with the ex girlfriend of a friend. I smiled waving back, not caring if I'd look stupid if he wasn't looking at me. Louis smiled, placing a hand on his chest singing his verse. I closed my eyes trying to block all voices around me and listen carefully.

When I opened my eyes, I hadn't noticed I was crying lost in a different phase one that I long for now. I flicked my tears hopeful none of my friends had noticed, I got up telling Eleanor I was heading to the bathroom real quick. She nodded, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze before smiling and letting go. I went on my way to the bathroom I had previously visited; losing it completely breaking down closing the door to the empty ladies room.

Why am I crying? Haven't you had enough shedding tears Madi? I thought my destiny chose him for me, I saw heaven in his eyes those chocolate brown eyes I missed gazing at so much. How could I leave that heavily sight and choose to live in this hell, it matters when that nostalgic feeling doesn't just end and keeps increasing. I shouldn't have come, I knew I wasn't yet over that relationship my first. I tugged on my hair trying to muffle my cries, I just miss him so much.

I straightened my posture as soon as I heard the muffled fumbling of the door knob, wiping my stained cheeks off. I adjusted my long flowy white skirt, Li would've liked it he'd compliment how the color suited my skin then scold me playfully for the slit that reached my mid thigh for it being too reviling.

I felt a tab on my shoulder making me turn around, my breath hitched in my throat stumbling on my feet backwards. My heels digging in the floor, yet shaky. His eyes travelled up and down my body, his lips quivering as he caught my eyes with his. "If I didn't come you wouldn't would you?" He said.

I looked away my limbs numb, "you shouldn't be here, you might get in trouble"

Liam scoffed, "does it look like I give a flying fouck Liney" I should have felt anything but what my heart felt, nostalgic memories no body but Liam called Liney I don't even know how he came up with it.

"You never do, no wonder you left" the words rolled off mouth unintentionally. His face straightened his eyes wider I'd say I could almost feel the rapid beating of his ajar heart.

"You told me to, remember Madeline!" Liam snapped.

"You cheated!" I voice, the memory still vivid.

"I didn't, I don't even remember that! I was drunk"

"That's another thing, you could've put your life in danger! How could you be so reckless?" I said.

"That doesn't matter now" Liam said.

"Yes it does Liam! It does, you're always rash and you don't think things through plus you're very irresponsible! I don't want you to change who you're but that's not me and if I'm with someone we both have to be on the same page if not then I'll have to let chaos take control over my life, nobody likes chaos" I said.

"That's right nobody likes chaos" Liam agreed, I looked at him suspiciously. "I'm sorry" he added.

"Don't be" I said, flicking my tears off attempting to walk past him and out the restroom. However; Liam held my wrist turning around.

"Why would you confront me, when you said love is freedom and you see me a different person when I'm with you Madeline"

"That's just it, that's it Liam I don't want that you're not you when you're around me. Even your parents think I'm turning you into something you're not, your friends think the same. I'm not good for you"

"But I love you, I see me in you. I don't care about anyone, I see you everywhere! I'm sorry can we think this through?"

"You don't Liam,"

"I don't even know what you want anymore Madeline, you confuse the shit out of me! One second you want me to act like me the other you want me to be what you want. I don't even know why the hell did we break up first place" Liam snapped yanking my arm away.

I blinked for his words for once made sense, even I sometimes confuse myself. Well he did cheat, but then he wasn't even conscious; why is everything so complicated! I rubbed my forehead, "what do you want Liam"

"Are you happy?" His question caught me off guard, I didn't really ask myself that. Well, is waiting for him to turn the lights off so I can sleep considered happy? Is waiting for a text and scrolling through our pictures with stained cheeks considered happy? In this time I lost all sense of pride for I answered, "no"

I got startled by Liam's strong arms pulling me to him hugging me so tight burying his face in my neck gab. I wrapped my arms around his neck, it had just settled in how much I've truly missed his touch.

"Since you've been gone I can't come alive, I swar you took my heart with you and I want it back now" Liam's muffled voice gave me shudders making me tighten my grip on him.

"I'm sorry, I love you so much. I'm so sorry" I cried, Liam ran his hand on my hair making me let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"It's okay babe, I'm here" Liam said pulling our moulded bodies away from each other. Hiccups and cries left my mouth my whole body was shaking it didn't need two to say Liam's touch put my trembling state into deep comforting slumbere. His lips brushed against mine making me snap my eyes open, his chocolate deep brown orbs, that's right orbs, were gazing at mine.

Liam's hand tilted my face upward pressing his lips firmly against mine, I gasped loudly proclaiming his touch igniting my being. His lips sparked off once lifeless butterflies.

I will take chances with you, as long as you love me. I'll fight with and for you; I don't know if this makes sense but we're like fire and water although bringing us together isn't possibly possible yet we'd still be better off together.

"You're my best side, I know we argue all the time but I'd rather be with you then start with someone new" Liam said, keeping a firm grip on my cheeks.
"You didn't just copy the JB song did you?" I joked.

Liam scoffed, "kidding" I whispered kissing him.

Hello beautiful readers, idk how this came to be a thing but I just love the pic I made up and was like... Okay this could be a one shot lol. Anyhow, hopefully you enjoyed. I just needed to write A Liam one. 16th of Jan, 2017 today @ 10:55 PM took almost 5 days, I think; I travel quite alot in my Galaxy of Imagination before ending a chapter lol.
Today updating FINALLY! 8th of March, 2017 @ 10:05 PM

Lots of love ♥ ♥ ♥

Mimi ✌

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