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Anne P. O. V

"Omg do you see that? Are you looking at what I'm looking at?" I ask my friend Natalia.

"Yes, omg he's so hot" she said, I looked at her confused.

"What's hot I'm talking about the flower bouquet over there" I reasoned she laughed shaking her head.

"All more reason you'll always be single" Natalia said, I rolled my eyes sipping on my hot coffee drink. "As for me I have to run because I have a date, you know not all of us are lonely pringles" she smirked getting up from the table after gathering her belongings and giving me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.
I cringed wanting her to get away from me, Natalia laughed. "Then do something, for the love on God you're 21 years old for once in your life date someone! One date, one date is all we asking for everybody is starting to think you're into girls!"

"Seriously? Everybody? And we? How many times do I have to say I'm straight! I promise" I defended.

"Prove it," Natalia said skipping out, I huffed watching her catch a Taxi.

I'm straight, I just don't like the idea of dating guys in and out. Okay, truth to be said I never dated anyone, but that's because I've not found anyone and I want that kiss at the end of the date at my door. I want that cheesy, movie scene I want everything that has to do with a perfect first kiss. *clears throat * hence why, I still didn't have my first kiss, dateless, single. On the bright side, I don't have to worry about what to wear, I looked down on my simple, old, shirt, on a second thought maybe I should get some fashion tips and give that a little bit of attention. But I don't have to stare at my phone for hours wondering if he left a message, I don't have to stay up late thinking if he's dreaming of me too, I don't want to be jealous of other girl's, and most importantly I don't want my life to depend on someone's presence because that's how to destroy a life.

I hummed, to an old musical song stuck at the back of my mind. Watching people around me, couples, girl friends gathering, guys, old couple so cute, see you think that woman dated any men before Grandpa right here? I think not, and here they are say 40 years married?  I want that! Hmm let's see who else do we have a family with two young kids, a woman on her laptop with her husband and... A guy sitting alone scrolling on his phone. That's me right there, and I bet he's a single pringle like me too. You know what that's not a bad thing! I titled my head slightly to have a better look at him, my eyes widening O. M. G.

This guy was beautiful, he is unlike any man I've ever seen. Actually I take back my words he could never be single and if he is, means he's a play boy. All more reason to stay away, he looks rich too! Way out of my league, I took another sip from my cup shamelessly watching him. I mentally gasped as he caught his lips between his thumb and forefinger twisting it. What's that supposed to make girls feel like? Drool on his feet is all I could think about. He ran a hand through his hair after drinking his coffee, oh come on!
Never seen someone look so attractive doing such simple tasks.

How do you even begin a conversation with a guy like that? Do you walk up to him and be like Hi! My name is Anne will you go on a date with me? Or be like, I saw you from across the room and I'm in love with you. Either ways are dummer than setting yourself on fire. Shouldn't I be focusing on my career right now? Instead of drooling over a bystander? I looked at my watch I've been in here for nearly an hour, my eyes diverted back to the handsome stranger inwardly smiling as I continue to watch him. Before I had time to process he turned his head looking directly at me? OMG he's looking at me! Abort mission abort abort! I looked away quickly hearing him chuckle from across the room. Great! I'll forever be the awkward penguin I'm, I'll just never learn. I decided I should for once be brave and look him in the eye. I looked back at the handsome stranger who was now talking to the waiter, his gaze landed on me again as he finished his short encounter with the servant. I collected the little dust of bravery left in me and waved at him.

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