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Don't be afraid to catch feels. Trying not to get attached; at least not too attached so if one day you walk away I wouldn't be too hurt.

It was a beautiful night - walking in the streets of London, when I saw you...

I rubbed my palms together trying to capture the heat, key word being trying. I heard a couple of shouts and swoons over something, was it another shopping spree crazy discounts? I found myself wondering. Nevertheless, I continued my steady walking towards the little Chinese restaurant down the corner I never read the name of. I started to hum a quiet tune, but stopped as I was greeted by a number of girls gathered around someone. My first instinct was to walk over and see what the fuzz was about but as I looked at my wrist watch I noticed how late it already is. My my conscious and medical air told me that somebody might be in need of help. I caught a girl near the gathering, and asked. Her words were not making much sense she was very overwhelmed - but I decided that there's no harm done to anyone.

So I completed my walk and made my order taking it to the near by park sitting to watch the air dance with the swings; and wish upon the missing stars I never got around to seeing in the city. I ate in silence, I have taken a liking to eating my food outside even if it was home cooked since it was awfully quiet in my apartment. With the lack of human connection and TV wasn't something I had either.

My work at the hospital took everything out of me, my time and health and my sadness too in away. Helping out people always bought joy to my tired and sick heart. Not that I had a disease or anything I was just worried alot of the time, I tried to distract myself by watching that group of girls on the other side.

"Hey this seat taken?" I heard a distinct voice.

"No," I replied shortly. Clearing up room on the bench.

I didn't look up too distracted by my food; lost in a trance of erratic memories.

I heard the ringing of my, older than Queen Elizabeth probably, phone. Taking it out, "Hey Ittaty... we need you down here, there's an emergency we're short on nurses and Dr. Larsen asked for you."

"I'm coming." I said, hanging up. There goes my sleep and laundry work. I huffed finishing my food in a hurry, before I looked to my right to see a boy almost my age if not younger sitting on his phone a cup of coffee I recognised from the expensive hotel near me.
But that wasn't the only thing I took notice of, I found myself getting distracted by the tattoo on the back of his hand along with a Harry Winston watch my brother was obsessing over for the longest time.

"Rough night?" He asked. I thought he was talking to someone else but quickly discarded that conclusion as there was no one but the both of us in the mile range. 

"A beautiful night," I corrected.

He looked up from his large phone to me, smiling making me take in his manly yet delicate features. He looked fairly rich by the way he dressed I could bit he's a model of some sort if not then he must be a heir of a  company or the like.

"Lovely night, where is that restaurant?" He asked cumbersomely.

I got distracted for a minute before catching up, "Chinese?" He nodded and I found myself laughing at his idiotic question, I pointed behind him.

"Oh cool then, I gotta run there. Smells delicious." He carried on nervously.

I giggled, "You can try a bit if you want." I offered.

"Thanks" he said, I handed him a spare chopstick and he ate the rest of my food. Left me wondering, it's either he's on a strict diet or his attire is terribly misleading.

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