Series 1: The Suspension

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It has been 7 years since Chihiro returned to the human world, now 17 and in high school, she has been trying to stay accustomed to human society, however with no luck and no matter what she tried she just couldn't. Chihiro looks down at her school desk looking at the sheet of paper in front of her needing to fill out what her plans after high school would be, but for some reason, all she can do is stare at it and feel a sense of disconnection to the whole thing, to everything. She started feeling this way ever since she started high school, she kept having these vivid dreams that just seem so real to her as if it actually happened but it could not be true because the supernatural does not exist, Chihiro sighs.

'What am I doing? Why can't I write? Its just a piece of paper..why do I constantly feel like I'm forgetting something or someone. That boy in my dreams, why is it whenever I see his face my heart skips a beat. I have not been able to get him out of my mind in weeks, in my dreams his face is the most vivid of all' Chihiro closes her eyes as she recalls the boy's gorgeous features.

His piercing green eyes are not your run of the mill green but the most beautiful green that you could just lose yourself in, his dark short hair like silk framing his handsome face and as the sun hits it you can see the green tint in his hair and his bob fringe that sits just above his eyes. Chihiro's heart starts to pound as she continues to delve further into the fantasies in her mind. 'Why?  I feel like I should know this boy but I don't remember meeting him at all.. if only I could remember.. even if it's just his name...' Chihiro getting angry and annoyed at herself snaps and bangs her fists on her desk.

"Why!? Why can't I remember that golden hunk of a guys name!?!?" Chihiro suddenly freezes realizing that the whole room has gone silent and her face flushes scarlet as she looks up to find her fellow classmates staring and snickering at her.

  'Oh no! I didn't mean to say that out loud!' She looks at her best friend Yuma who is seated in the seat closest to the door who is silently trying to ask her if she was okay by mouthing the words whilst cupping the side of her mouth. Chihiro nervously looking around the room finally notices her teacher Mr Grinaldi glaring at her.

"Miss Ogino. Hallway. Now" Mr Grinaldi orders. Embarrassed, Chihiro drops her head and looks at the ground and replies.

"Yes sir..." she packs her stuff and walks out the door giving her friend Yuma a side glance seeing her concerned face she gives her a small smile and exits the room with Mr Grinaldi following close behind her. Once outside and the door to the room is shut Chihiro then leans against the wall outside her classroom as her teacher stares her down. Chihiro looks up at him and bows in apology.

"I'm sorry Mr Grinaldi... I swear I didn't mean to... I just had had a lot of things on my mind and I didn't realize I said it out loud. I'm sorry for disrupting your lesson". Chihiro continues to bow as she hears Mr Grinaldi sigh.

"Miss Ogino. That is why I am concerned, you are always spaced out, you hardly listen in class anymore and instead of doing your work you draw dragons and creatures in your workbooks. I'm sorry to say Miss Ogino but it not looking good for you, you are in the red for repeating a year. It's not just me that thinks this but all of the other teachers too" suddenly Mr Grinaldi crouches down so he is at her eye level. "Please Miss Ogino, we only want to help you and we would like you to talk to someone, to a Councillor". Chihiro turns her head away from this news and her teacher sighs again " I see... if that is the way it's going to be then im sorry but we will have to call your parents and don't you dare think we haven't noticed you ditching school by pretending to be sick in the infirmary because after a while of sending a student home we always call their parents to make sure they get home safely, but most of the time when we call your parents they tell us you have never came home".

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now