His first "I Love You" pt.2

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Jack G: You two had been dating for five months when he had finally said the words.

Jack had had this moment of realization last week where the fact that he loved you hit him. He had still yet to tell you, as he didn't know how. It was nerve-wracking for him and he didn't want to do it wrong. He always seemed to over think things when it came to you.

He had stood in his room, in front of his mirror continuously saying the phrase over and over in different ways. "I love you. Babe, I love you. I love you (Y/N). I, Jack Gilinsky, Love you."

It went on like this for a few hours actually, short break of frustration in between. He had actually been so caught up with figuring out how to tell you, he forget to keep track of the days. He did not know it was Friday and that as usual you were coming over.

You had walked upstairs after letting yourself in, as you always did, and you heard his voice as you walked closer to his door. You stood outside of his room for a few second trying to hear what he was saying but you couldn't make it out. Then, there was a loud thud, causing you to jump, and then a loud sigh of frustration coming from inside the room. You decided that it was probably time to go in their and help him with whatever his problem was. As your hand turned the doorknob and pushed it open, Jack in frustration yelled the words: "Dammnit, Why can't I just say it. I love you (Y/N) ok. I love you and it's really not that difficult to say."

You stood frozen for a second in shock before letting him know you were there and that you had heard him by saying the words back.

Aaron: You two had just been friends at the time. Like a friends with benefits thing. You never saw yourself as the type of girl to do that, but for some reason Aaron was the exception. You really really had deep feelings for him but he didn't want a stress of a relationship. He liked the friendly joking and physical contact. It's all he needed. Or so he though...

You hung out with him often, just doing friend stuff with making out here and there. This lasted a very long time, about seven months passed when he knew that it was becoming more to him.

The problem with this arrangement was you two could still date other people. You loved Aaron, honestly you did, but you had been convinced he would never feel the same. You began to date this other guy and he hated it. You ceased your and his friendship to strictly that, a friendship, no benefits. He missed the touch of you everyday and honestly just your smile.

He got angry and a little sad when you would talk of your new boyfriend. He hated that he was now the second person too hear your good and bad news. He wanted to be your all .

You had come over, for the first time in two weeks. Literally the moment you stepped into his house he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulder. Just the sight of your happy face made him feel a million times better. It sucked though because he knew he wasn't the cause of that smile.

You had hurried into his arm, giving him a big hug. It soothed yet hurt him. Then you kissed his cheek and pulled away. "How's my bud doing?" The way you called him simply "My bud." Dug a knife into his chest and he knew right then that he had to tell you, and that's exactly what he did.

"I love you (Y/N). I have for a long while now and Im sorry that I waited so long but I can't hold it in anymore, not just for the sake of a relationship you have with some other guy. Thats not fair to me. I love you and thats as blunt as I can be about it."

Lets just say that other guy wasn't in the picture long after that.

Carter:He said it right before he was to leave for a long trip. Carter had plans to tour New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Atlanta, and Orlando. You had finals coming up and then your summer job so you weren't going to be able to visit him, plus the transportation was too expensive. Then after touring he was going to stay at Matt's for a month before school started.

You weren't going to see him for almost three months and it killed you both. You two had been dating for seven months and had gotten very attached to one another. The daily company of one another had become very important .

You guys were in love and you both knew it, everyone did. The words had never been spoken though. Maybe it was because neither of you thought they were necessary, or maybe because the phrase is just too overwhelming.

You had went with him to the airport so that you could drive his car back to his house for him. It was eerily quite as the two of you waited in line for his passport and checked his bags. No one wanted to say the goodbye.

He walked you through the airport for a little while, stopping to grab a quick lunch since he had time before his flight. The time went by too quickly though and he had to get through the security to make his way to his gate.

"So Uhm, it's about that time." He squeezed your hand a little as his smile fell. "I wish it wasn't." You tried to add a little joking laugh to the end of it but you couldn't because this felt like shit. You didn't want him to leave at all. "I'm going to miss you so much." He looked up into your eyes but you turned away shaking your head. "Carter please don't." You didn't want a goodbye.

You have always been so afraid he's going to leave you. He is so perfect and girls literally drop to their knees all around him. He's living in the prime of his life and he doesn't need you nearly as much as you need him. What if while away he grows to like being without you.

"No you need to let me talk." He gently put his hand to your jaw, turning your gaze to him. "I know what your thinking. This is a long time apart for us, but what we have is not going to change you understand. If anything it will get stronger. We will still talk all the time and FaceTime, you seriously don't need to stress ok." You nodded smiling a little. Damn does he know how to make you feel better.

"Goodbye then." You pulled him down into a long soft kiss, him running his hands through your hair before pulling away from your lips and going into a hug instead.

"I promise this goodbye will be followed by a Hello." He pulled into one more real quick soft kiss. Just inches away from your face he smiled and whispered the words "I love you." You didn't even hesitate a second before saying them back. Then you forced him to leave so he didn't miss his flight.

You two turned out to last those three months and a very long time after.

{Shawn's is sad I'm sorry but it was a good I think. Jacks it a little weird sorry but I was running out of ideas and they take awhile to write. Please keeping voting and if you want me to write a certain Preference just comment. ~G}

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