Chapter Sesenta

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11 months later...

"I'm assuming Aiden bought this for her?" I asked, cradling a 10-month-old Selena Consuelos who was currently wearing a 'I'm not allowed to date... ever' onesie with a fluffy tutu over it, courtesy of her father.

"of course I did, I bought it in as many sizes as I could find too" Aiden confirmed, very proud of his purchase, as he adjusted his tie.

"Boys will be lucky if they can get within ten feet of her... she'll be better off dating girls instead" Jacob chuckled as he placed an arm around Enrique, it turned out Jacob did do boyfriends after all.

"you better be careful holding her in that dress... this girl loves to puke, I tell you" Alex added, eyeing my baby blue bridesmaids dress, Zara's favorite color of course. I chuckled as I recalled the numerous times Selena had puked over Alex, including the time he held her up in the air and she puked all over his face.

I looked over at Xavier who seemed very relaxed on the sofa with Sebastian, "what are you doing here anyway, shouldn't you be helping Zara with all that brides stuff?" he asked.

"she sent me over to make sure you weren't either knee deep in work or ran away" I shrugged nonchalantly as I placed Selena back in her carry cot after making sure she had fallen asleep. She had never puked on me before, but I wasn't about to let her start today.

I turned around to find Eli fidgeting with his tie, still unsure of how it worked. Walking over I took matters into my own hands before Eli got anymore frustrated and ripped the tie all together.

"what would I do without you?" he mused as his hands snaked around my waist.

"you would walk out there looking a hot mess," I responded, placing a chaste kiss on his lips, not wanting to give my brother and the boys a show they didn't ask for, "I should get back to the girls before they think I've run away too."

He hesitantly let go of me, but not before pulling me in for another kiss, and complimenting me for what seemed the hundredth time today.

I finally made my way back to the bridal room where Zara was getting her final touches done, looking nothing less than a goddess.

"was Selena behaving?" Kat asked as she put on her stilettos after debating with herself whether she should put herself through the more glamorous but painful stilettos or the comfy yet plain kitten heels.

"I just put her to sleep actually, I think Aiden is going to take her to your mother before we enter the church."

"ah thank you, you're an angel, I knew Eli made the right choice choosing you" she engulfed me in a hug before I could point out that Eli didn't necessarily choose me.

"okay girls it's time" Zara's mother alerted, causing Zara, Kat, Sky and I to immediately drop what we were doing.

Moments later I found myself walking down the aisle, with my eyes fixated on Eli, I couldn't help but wonder if we would ever get married. If I'd ever get to pick out a wedding dress and watch the shine in Eli's eyes as he sees me in it for the first time.

So caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't even realised I had reached the end of the aisle and was now standing alongside Kat and Sky until the music changed and the doors opened.

For now, I got to watch Xavier's eyes fill with tears for the first time ever, since I had known him. He quickly wiped them away as Zara got closer, probably hoping everyone was too busy looking at Zara to notice him.

As they exchanged vows my eyes kept meeting Eli's, who seemed to have not been paying any attention to the bride and groom either. He seemed to finally be relieved when we left the church and entered the reception where he was free to ogle at me without hundreds of people looking at us.

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