Chapter Diez

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A few days had passed and I had begun to develop a routine around the house.

I didn't know if that comforted me because I wasn't so lost anymore, or terrified me because it meant that I was getting used to this place.

I would often have breakfast, clean a room or two, have lunch, clean another room, have dinner, and then hang around with Alex or Katherine since she was around most of the time.

To say that I was sick of cleaning would have been an understatement.

In that time I had also become very observant of anyone who had their phone on them, hoping they would put it down long enough for me to take it; but apparently no one parted with their phone these days.

I hadn't interacted much with the other guys around the house, except for when I was cleaning their rooms or we bumped into each other in the hallways. There was also that one time we all had dinner together but it got awkward fast, because it was clear the guys couldn't talk about their day like they usually would, because I was there.

I hadn't seen many people enter or leave the house besides the guys and Katherine. Oh, there was that one strange man that came out of Jacobs room.

I also managed to get myself into more trouble with Xavier. As I was cleaning his room, I had realised his computer was logged on and I quickly attempted to find a way to contact Sky. However, I didn't get very far when I heard Xavier coughing behind me. Needless to say, I got another threat on how neither Sky, nor I, would be alive for very long if I pulled any more stunts like that.

It was midday and I found myself in Jacobs office, again. I didn't understand how he managed to make it look like a pigsty just a few days after the last time I cleaned it.

He walked in amidst my cleaning, and I asked if he wanted me to leave, but he instructed me to continue, as he sat at his desk on his computer and did his own work.

I began vacuuming around Jacobs desk when I tripped over the stupid cord, towards Jacobs seat and landed right near his crotch.

"Woah there babe, I'm not really into that kind of thing, I mean thanks... but I'm gay" He said, shrugging his shoulders and smiling, as if I had actually meant to do that.

"Oh my god, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy, I just tripped" I blurted out in hopes of saving myself some sort of dignity.

He started chuckling at my flustered state, "it's fine, I was just kidding with you, I heard you trip," he proceeded to type away at his computer before adding, "wasn't kidding about the gay part though." He gave me a final pointed look before resuming his work.

Calming my flustered state down, I went back to organising some of his stationary when I heard him mutter a few curse words before getting up from his desk and sitting on the leather two seater on the other side of the room.

"Say, you and Elijah, is that a-"

Before he could say anything, I interrupted him, "no, no, you just walked in at an awkward moment."

"And Alex?" He asked as he spread his arms on either side of him on the sofa.

"he's a nice guy" I responded truthfully.

"That he is." Jacob responded, taking out his phone, "You can leave now, thank you."

I nodded and packed up the stuff to leave. I looked over at the clock and noticed it was nearing 6pm, so I decided to go downstairs and have dinner.

After putting the equipment away, I checked to see what was for dinner, and it turned out it was lasagna tonight. Bless the cook they had, because his cooking was impeccable.

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