Chapter Dieciseis

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It had been two days since the gala. Which meant it had also been two days since I had seen Eli. As soon as we got back from the gala, Xavier, in his usual somber mood, assigned Eli to a "mission", and I hadn't seen him since.

Was I worried? Partially. After learning about their affiliations with criminals I had been on edge whenever the guys would mention going out on an errand. However, I was also aware that they had been doing this long before I came along and they had been doing just fine too.

It had also been two days since Katherine made the promise to speak to Xavier about me meeting with Sky. She kept on her promise and spoke to him last night, however I hadn't gotten an answer yet.

After spending the day cleaning Alex's room, not that it needed much cleaning, we just wanted an excuse to hang around, Xavier finally approached me.

"Can we talk Mia?" Xavier asked whilst standing by the entrance of the living room where Alex and I were, snacking on all the junk food we could find in the house.

"Sure" I chimed, waiting for him to sit down.

He began looking around as if to say something, that neither Alex nor I, were picking up on.

"Alone" he finally sighed, giving Alex a stern look.

"Well... that's my cue to leave, good luck!" Alex mumbled but not before Xavier intercepted.

"No, you stay," he pointed at Alex, before turning to me, "you, meet me downstairs."

So meet him downstairs I did. I took a seat on the sofa in the living room as Xavier sat down all the way on the other side of the room. Was I missing something, did I smell?

I didn't have much time to deliberate on it before Xavier began with, "you can see Skylar," and I immediately opened my mouth to squeal and thank him, but he didn't allow my happiness to linger for long as he added, "whenever I think it's safe enough to do so."

"What do you mean safe enough? Are you forgetting you're the one who's kidnapped me! If I'm not safe around anyone here, it's you!" I exclaimed, my frustration getting the better of me as I got up and started waving my arms around as I spoke. "I've been a great kidnapee this whole time, listening to everything you've told me to, because I didn't want my best friend getting killed and now you're telling me I can't even see her? Well what's the point of her being alive then!" Clearly, I didn't say the smartest things when I was angry.

Xavier remained seated and in the coolest tone replied, "you're here because it's not safe for you to be out there. Your presence at the gala confirmed my suspicions."

"What the hell are you on about, I may have not had the easiest living situations but I was perfectly safe and content with my life before you came along!" I responded.

"Mia, you may have not realised it because you were too busy sneaking off with our Elijah, but there were people at the gala that had their eyes on you." I sat back down now, unsure of what some creeps at a gala eyeing me out, had to do with my safety.

"There's a lot you don't know, although no thanks to Alex, you already know too much. Now I'd love to explain things properly, but I don't exactly have the authority to do so right now, so when I tell you, 'you'll see Skylar when I say so', it's for your own safety", he began to get up to leave but I immediately got back up and stood infront of him, preventing him from leaving.

"No! You don't get to come in here and blurt a bunch of bullshit at me, and then leave me with 100 more questions", I pointed my finger at his chest, which he was clearly not impressed with, based on his facial expression.

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