Chapter Cuarenta y Cinco

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Weeks had passed since Penelope and Sebastian had revealed everything. The boys were constantly in and out on 'business' matters, which only made me more nervous each time. I already knew how dangerous their job was, considering I was there when both Eli and Alex were hurt, but after learning what they were actually doing; knowing that Seville was actually their headquarter location and they interacted with a lot of dangerous people... I couldn't help but worry every time Eli told me he had to leave.

The girls, having had experience in this department helped me take my mind off things.  Penelope was constantly trying to find time to bond with me, which I didn't mind, she even taught me how to make Empanadas. Katherine would often ask me if I wanted to go baby shopping with her, and Zara taught me a little bit of Spanish whenever she was free. I was so grateful for them, and also so grateful that they took in Sky as one of their own as well.

Speaking of Sky...

"Sky, seriously, what happened?" I asked her for what seemed to be the 100th time since I woke up to see her sniffling in the bathroom.

"If Alex did something wrong, just tell me, I can give him a good beating for you and then we can get out of here, we can stay at Eli's, I know he won't mind."

I didn't know if I had said something wrong, but her sniffles suddenly turned into loud sobs.

"I take it, it was Alex then? What did he do? He didn't cheat... did he?"

"No," she sobbed, "something worse".

I burrowed my eyebrows in confusion, what could he have possibly done that would be worse than cheating?

"He got me pregnant" she wailed.

If this was a movie and I had a glass in my hand, that glass would have slipped and shattered to pieces right now. Or maybe I'd have water in my mouth and I'd spit it all out after hearing those words.

Alas... this wasn't a movie.

"WHAT! How did he?" I stopped after realizing that was a dumb question, "wait, I don't mean how, I think that's pretty obvious, but why the hell weren't you two using protection Sky?"

"I don't know... we did! At first..."

I ran my hand over my face before walking back into our room to grab Sky some tissues.

"Look, it's not the end of the world, I mean you like Alex and he likes you, it's not like this happened with a one-night stand."

She blew her nose and looked up at me, her eyes smeared with mascara.

"Anyways, are you absolutely sure? I mean maybe the pregnancy test was wrong, that could happen you know."

"What pregnancy test?" she remarked.

I stood there blinking in confusion, "the one that told you that you were pregnant?"

"Where would I get a pregnancy test from, you know I don't speak Spanish, and I don't have a car here so it's not like I can just go out and buy one."

I began pinching my nose. Did I mention that Sky had the tendency to be a bit of a drama-queen?

"Why the hell do you think you're pregnant then?"

"Because... we did have sex without protection, I mean it was just once but still! Plus, I've been feeling nauseous and bloated the past few days" she replied sheepishly.

"Or, maybe you're having those symptoms because you're being paranoid about having not used protection? Sky you can't just assume you're pregnant, come on get up, we're going to go get you a pregnancy test."

With the boys away and neither of us knowing much Spanish, I awoke Zara, explaining the situation to her and asking her if she could accompany us to buy a test. She happily obliged and didn't ask anymore questions as we returned home and Sky took the test.


"Sky, unless you want the rest of the house to rush up here and ask what's going on, I'd advise you do your thanks in a quieter voice."

"Thank you thank you thank you" she whispered as she kissed the pregnancy test which currently said she wasn't pregnant.

I smiled as I watched the idiot I called my best friend squealing to herself.

Throwing the pregnancy test box in the bin, I walked back out to our bedroom and lay down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with a smile on my face. Sky finally exited the bathroom and plopped down beside me on the bed.

"Thank you" she remarked after lying next to me.

"You should thank your ovaries instead... but you're welcome" I beamed back.

"No, not because of that, well I mean thank you for bringing me to my senses and buying the test but... what I really want to thank you for, is all this," she rose in a sitting position as she outstretched her arms, "because of you I'm here and I met these kind people who have allowed me to be here, because of you I was able to get on a plane and come half way across the world, because of you, I feel more loved than I ever have in my life, I feel as though I have a family."

I rose up as well, and immediately engulfed her in a hug, "Sky, you are my family, you have been since that day you saved me at the bar, because of you, I was able to get my shit together and that's why we're both here now."

She nodded in my embrace before I pulled back, "but Sky... if you ever want to try and find your own parents-"

"No... I'm afraid of what I might find" she interrupted.

I nodded in understanding. We never had the resources to truly look for our parents in any way, but now with all the advanced equipment and services Sebastian had... it was definitely possible.

"If you ever want to, just say the word okay?" I concluded, leaving the option open to whenever she was ready.


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Authors Note: a bit of Sky and her drama-queen antics for y'all! Another update should be coming shortly.

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