Chapter Cincuenta y Seis

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As I exited into the dark night, my head began spinning, looking for Kat, when I heard it.

"es bueno verte de nuevo mi bella"
(it's good to see you again, my beauty)
I was sweating in places I didn't know I could sweat.

I should have been running, but there were at least ten men standing infront of me, and as I turned my head back around to the door, I realised it had been locked and I was stuck out there.

I choked down the rising bile and flexed my hand after realizing my nails were digging into my own palm, hard enough to begin drawing blood.

I could have stood there paralysed, but as I witnessed the disgusting smirk growing across Matteo's face, I knew now was not the time to stand idle.

I knew the building well enough to know there was another way out around the side. I cursed myself for wearing the heels I currently was, but with no further time to deliberate on it, I started running.


"Where you going darling?"

Looking up I saw Mason standing there, holding onto my arms.

"HEEEELLP SOMEONE HE-" his hand immediately came up and covered my mouth. I started thrashing around, hoping I could hit him with my heel, but my dress was so tight it was almost impossible.

"sacarla de aquí antes de que alguien se dé cuenta de que está desaparecida" (get her out of here before someone realizes she's missing), I heard Matteo demanding behind me as another pair of arms grabbed me from behind.

I didn't care if my dress ripped as I continued thrashing around, but a gunshot being fired instantly put a stop to that.


If my mouth wasn't blocked by some freaks giant hand it would have dropped open at the sound of Xavier's voice and the amount of guns that were immediately drawn.

"Ah, would you look at that, Sebastian and Xavier Rey actually come out to do their own dirty work for once."

Sebastian and Xavier had guns pointed at Matteo whilst Jacob, Aiden and Eli were seemingly aiming for the man that was holding me, with Alex pointing at Mason, who was now beside me.

All of Matteo's men had their guns drawn too, besides the man who had suddenly tightened his grip on me.

"Did you really think you could get past security without us finding out?" Sebastian remarked, his stern voice much more solemn than it was hours ago.

"Wouldn't be the first time your son made that mistake" Matteo responded, glaring at Xavier.

"TELL YOUR MEN TO LET HER GO!" Eli yelled, my eyes drawn to his panicked ridden ones.

Matteo laughed in response, "my men outnumber yours, I would advise you all go back inside and let me take her home, once she is officially my wife there will be nothing you lot can do about it but accept me as your own," he turned his attention back to Sebastian, "law of the Reyes, is it not?"

Eli's gun went from being pointed at the man holding me to Matteo's head instead, prompting Mason to raise his gun towards my temple.

"Do it and the girl dies with me," Matteo remarked, pointing his head towards me, "maybe I can fuck her in hell instead."

In that frozen second between stand off and fighting, I saw Eli's raging eyes flick from mine to Matteo .

That's all it took, a second... before everyone's guns went off.

Empty screams left my mouth as I continued thrashing around hoping I would somehow miss the bullets that currently seemed to be flying past my head. I couldn't tell who they were hitting, but as I heard a few bodies hit the ground, I closed my eyes and prayed it was none of our men.

The man holding me began moving me over to the side of the building and I knew if I didn't act now I would be pushed into the back of an unknown car and I could have waved my life goodbye.

I slammed my foot down with full force, ensuring my high heel was aimed at the man's foot. It didn't cause him to fall down, but it was enough for him to let down his guard for just a moment and that was all I needed. I turned around and slammed my knee into his groin causing him to finally fall to the ground.

I had two options in that moment, I could have ran to the front of the building, where Matteo's cars were probably parked and waiting for me, or I could have ran back to the back of the building, were there seemed to be a battle going on.

Kicking the fallen man one more time to ensure he wasn't going to run fast enough after me, I realized he had a gun attached his waist.

I immediately swooped down and took a hold of it, except the man must have secretly been sporting a crotch cover, because he was no longer in any pain, as he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me down.

Realising the gun made it to my hand, I immediately shot out, the impact of the bullet sliding me back as I witnessed the blood oozing from the man's face...

I sat there paralysed as I observed the first man I had ever shot... the first man I had ever killed, lying there, eyes wide open, still watching me.

The shouting behind me came in muffled sounds until two strong arms picked me up and the smell of Eli's cologne immediately brought me back to the present.

"Baby please get up, I need to get you out of here."

I stumbled as Eli attempted to haul me up. Wordless sounds came out of my mouth as I tried asking 'what happened?' to no avail.

I wasn't sure how we made it to the front of the building, or how we made it inside a car, or back to our house... but we did.

I was immediately engulfed by a series of worried woman.

"Oh, gracias al Señor" (oh thank the lord), I heard Penelopes voice as she rushed towards me, mixing some kind of liquid in a glass before she urged me to drink it.

I dizzily looked around the room. Multiple new faces, remedying the bloodied and battered men. As my eyes kept searching the room, counting the faces of the men I recognized... I realised there were two men missing.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: I know it's been like two whole months since I updated but my phone decided to break down and take down all my drafts with it 😭 I wasn't even sure if I could get any of it back but I did! Stupid iPhones.

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