Chapter Cincuenta y Tres

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Warning: this chapter starts with mature content. See the ⚠️ sign for the end of the scene, if you wish to skip!

Pulling my hair to the side, Eli brushed his lips over my shoulder as I panted, breathless with heady lust, barely keeping my position as my hands faltered from the headboard that was supposed to be supporting me.

"Hold on princesa" his light words caused a warm breath behind my ear.

He pulled out before slamming back into me, harder than before, causing a loud moan to escape my lips. As one hand gripped my waist from behind, the other slowly trailed down my stomach as his fingers found my clit.

"Té amo" he breathed as he continued his thrusts, my backside moving against him, pushing him further.

I had noticed he would often slip Spanish words without even realizing it, in the heat of the moment, and it turned me on even more.

The added pleasure of his fingers began pushing me to the edge, causing my arms to give out, my head falling onto the soft pillow, now muffling my moans.

Eli's hand moved from around my waist and gripped my hip instead, keeping my ass right where he wanted it.

From this position, I could feel Eli's thrusts deeper than I ever had before, sending me completely over the edge as I yelled out his name.

My walls clenched and unclenched around Eli, causing him to elicit a primal groan as he continued his thrusts, allowing me to ride out my orgasm.

With the last thrust, I felt his dick jerk and his hot cum seep inside me.

His weight heavy on my back as we both collapsed, panting as we attempted to catch our breaths.

I groaned as I felt Eli withdraw, immediately feeling empty.

He placed a kiss on my back before getting up and leaving for a moment, only to return with a wet cloth, turning me slightly and wiping me clean.

"You're lucky we're in my house right now or else everyone would have heard you screaming my name" he mused as his arms came around my waist, pulling my back to his front as we both lay on our sides.

"Not so lucky for you because we seem to break something everytime we're here" I responded, tilting my head back, as I remembered the clock we bumped into and broke, as we fucked along the wall, not able to restrict ourselves until we got to the bedroom.

Eli chuckled before placing a kiss in the crook between my neck and shoulder, "well there's plenty more things around here to break, mi vida."

I turned around completely now, my hand resting on Eli's arm, "ooh there's a new one, mi vida, what does that mean?"

"My life" Eli breathed, as he captured my lips in playful, teasing nips, prompting us into round... I wasn't sure to be honest, I had lost count.


"So, what exactly is the point of meeting everyone if we're going back to the states soon?" I asked, after Xavier informed me that we were all going back in two weeks because he and Zara wanted to start planning their wedding and Kat had to be back before she hit the 36 week point in her pregnancy, which would prevent her from flying.

"Come on Mia, you saw how happy mama was when you agreed to meet everyone, you can't back out now" Xavier responded, pleading with me.

"But that's before I found out she's throwing a whole party in my name!"

"What! That makes it even more exciting" Zara beamed as she sorted through the invite list that Penelope had assigned her with.

Following the revelation at the dining table, Zara and Xavier seemed to have solved whatever issues they had, because Zara came back to me, very excited and very thankful, mentioning that they were going to finally pick a date for their wedding soon.

"Fine," I sighed, giving in, "but can we not invite the whole world please?"

"Nonesense mija, we're only inviting the whole of Spain," Penelope asserted as she walked into the living room.

After seeing the shocked look on my face, she laughed and continued, "I'm just kidding, it will be strictly familia at the party... now which colour?"

She held up three pieces of fabric, all various shades of gold. I chose the one that resembled the back of a rose gold iPhone, although Penelope said it was "copper undertones".

After picking out a few different fabrics, Zara, Kat and Sky demanded we go shopping for gowns, which prompted me to stand there flabbergasted. What kind of family party required gowns?

"Santo Cielos! Mia I think this dress was made for you!"  Kat held out an extravagant gown, sweetheart neckline, embellished from top to bottom... but that wasn't what had caught everyone's attention. Along the shoulder line lay a dazzling addition that held up a flowing cape to the dress.

"Wow it's gorgeous," I let out, completely amazed by the dress, "but isn't it too much?"

Zara and Kat shared a look before Zara spoke out, "too much? Darling you're the center of attention there's no such thing as too much!"

I knew I wouldn't win an argument with them if I started one. So instead I grabbed the dress and went into the change room to try it on.

Judging by the girl's reactions, there was no way I could leave the shop without the gown with me.

A few hours later, everyone had finally found their gown.

Kat taking the longest as she complained that nothing looked good on her pregnant body, which was nonsense of course because she still looked stunning.

She finally settled on a one shoulder blue gown, that flowed freely enough below the waist to accommodate her baby girl. Sky went with a long sleeve black dress, that was embellished until the waist and accompanied a high slit up from the flowing bodice. Zara went rather simple, choosing a tight red off the shoulder gown, although her body and skin tone made anything look beautiful.

"I don't understand how you girls manage to always come back from shopping, huffing and puffing as if you've just come back from war" Alex exclaimed when we all walked in and collapsed on the lounge.

Aiden walked in right after with a glass of juice for Kat followed by a prompt back massage causing Zara, Sky and I to aw at his gestures.

"Why can't you be more like your brother?" Sky asked Alex, motioning towards the lovely couple.

"It's not like you're pregnant," Alex scoffed before doing a double take, "wait, are you trying to tell me you're pregnant?"

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on Sky.

"What! No!" Sky promptly declared before pouting, "why do I have to be pregnant to get some juice and a massage?"

"You're right, totally right, I'll be right back" Alex announced, but before he left the room Zara and I chipped in.

"Can you drag Xavier downstairs to do the same!"

"Yeah, Eli too!"

And that was how we all ended up treating ourselves to an at home massage service, curtesy of the boys.

Jacob walked through the front door moments later with a face I recognized as Enrique, they gave us one look before Jacob turned to Enrique and said, "see,  this is why I don't do chicks".

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Authors Note: Not gonna lie, I haven't been updating because I feel as though no one really cares about this book anymore. But I thought I owed it to myself to finish it so here we are.

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