Chapter Cuarenta y Cuatro

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Penelope ignored the two men behind her who seemed to be trying to send her silent messages, and stepped forward, "Mia... sweety... can we talk?"

"Your grandfather, he was known as Papa Rey, or Father King as the Americans called him. He formed the Reyes Latinos at a point in history when Latinos were treated awfully in the U.S... much worse than they're treated now. He moved there to build a better life for himself and my mother and they wanted to kick them right back out. But your grandfather, he was a strong one, he wouldn't take no for an answer. He rallied all the Latinos who knew their worth and he fought back against the oppression."

I sat there, arms crossed, flicking my attention between Sebastian, Penelope and Xavier, "I don't understand, how did fighting against oppression turn into this all mighty and powerful clan or gang or whatever stupid name you call yourselves?"

"So, maybe, somewhere along the way, the Kings got mixed up in drugs, weapons and theft, but you have to understand, there was no other option. And once they started, there was no backing down, he had built an empire... but it didn't come without consequences of course."

"Let me get this right, your father decides to create a gang and yet I had to deal with the consequences?"

"No, I am so sorry you had to go through that, and believe me I will find the Tesoro's and slit Matteo's throat."

"Tesoro's?" I asked, hearing the name for the first time.

Xavier sighed before answering, "I had a feeling when you were taken, but realising it was Matteo confirmed my suspicions. Tesoro, is the clan he now leads. They have been wanting to squirm their way into ours for a very long time, they even tried to get though me, but I guess..."

Penelope stepped in before Xavier finished, "you weren't supposed to deal with any of the consequences, that's the whole reason we uh, gave you up. I promise it was for no other reason than to keep you safe. We wanted you as far away as possible from this dangerous environment... I clearly failed you though."

Sebastian instantly looked over at Penelope, grasping her hand, "no cariño, this isn't your fault, if anything I failed her, it was my-"

"It was neither of your faults!" I blurted our, grabbing their attention, "I get it now okay, I get why you had to do what you did, it sucks... but I get it."

Penelope's eyes lit up at my words, as she leaned forward to get closer to me, "En serio? You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?"

"No, I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, to be honest I don't know you well enough to even want to lie to make you feel better..." I sighed, uncrossing my arms and leaning forward as well, "look I've had some time to think and as much as I hate my past and the way I grew up, I wouldn't be the person I am today without it... which is why I forgive you, both... that and, well I just really dislike holding grudges against people."

Penelope jumped to her feet and made her way over to me, engulfing me in a tight hug, "oh you don't know how happy I am to hear that."

I hesitated in hugging her back. Did I actually forgive her? Yes. Was I going to start treating her like an actual mum? Probably not.

"See I told you it was a good idea to tell her, this is why you need to listen to me more often" Penelope beamed at Sebastian who remained in his seat smiling.

Moments later they asked me if I would like to be introduced to the rest of the family, or familia as they put it. I wavered, and told them I'd think about it.

When they both left the room, I noticed Xavier was still sitting in the same spot, a solemn mood covering his face.

"Have an argument with Zara or something?" I asked, which got his attention.

"What? No, why would I argue with her for?"

"I don't know, you seem a bit... down?"

"No, I just uh..." he thought to himself for a moment before continuing, "I noticed when you said you forgive us, you said, both, and it was aimed at Penelope and Sebastian, not me, and I was just thinking... do you not forgive me?"

Now I was the one lost for words. I honestly hadn't even noticed I said both, or that it looked like my forgiveness was aimed just at the two of them.

"I don't know... did you ever really apologise to warrant my forgiveness?" I asked instead.

"What exactly am I apologising for?" and just like that Xavier's jackass attitude was back.

I blinked and showcased my best fake smile before I responded, "are you kidding me? You mean besides kidnapping me, making me do your chores, lying to me, threatening my best friend, beating up my boyfriend, having me-"

"Okay okay I get it, I screwed up in a few departments... but Elijah deserved that beating, I warned him not to touch you."

I rolled my eyes. He did not get to play the role of overprotective big brother.

"Clearly not having my forgiveness doesn't really bother you" I turned to leave the room, but Xavier reached out and stopped me.

"It does... it does bother me, and I am sorry, okay?"

I turned around with a smirk on my face, "Is the all mighty Xavier Rey really apologising?"

"First and last time, so you should probably accept it graciously" he shrugged.

"I had already forgiven you... I just wanted to hear you say I'm sorry" I beamed as I watched Xavier's face go from solemn to irritated in a matter of seconds.

"So, is this what it feels like to have a brother? I'm glad you weren't around when I was growing up then" I patted his chest and walked out of the room proudly smiling to myself as I heard a "hey! come back here!" behind me.

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Authors Note: I know I suck for not updating for so long but I've hit a writers block 😭 I don't even like this chapter very much and may revise it later, but for now this is it, please forgive me ❤️

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