Chapter Ocho

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"Alex, I swear to God if you don't stop knocking" I yelled out towards the closed door. He had been knocking on my door for what seemed to be the past hour, in attempt to get me to open it.

I wasn't in the mood to leave the room. After last night's incident I took the longest shower, before gathering all my messed up thoughts and going to bed. This morning I decided I wasn't going to go back out there. Screw them all.


Had Alex actually listened to me?

My thoughts were cut short when I heard a key going in and the doorknob being turned. Frustrated, I pressed my face into the pillow and let out a muffled scream.

I felt the bed dip as Alex reached out for me, patting me on the back.

"There, there". He assured, clearly he was an expert in comforting girls.

"Wait, if you had a key this whole time why the hell have you been knocking for the past God knows how long!" I announced as I came to the realisation.

"Well you see, I thought I'd be nice and let you open the door yourself instead of barging in, but you kinda left me with no choice," Alex began, slightly shrugging, "plus, Elijah made you breakfast this morning, but you never came down, so I came up to check on you, and now the food is cold and you've made Elijah upset."

I began to wonder if the others even knew what had happened last night, and if they did, did they even care? These guys hardly even knew me. Why would they side with me over their friend?

"Okay well you've checked up on me, all is well, you can leave now" I boasted, getting up from the bed and attempting to drag Alex out of the room. I underestimated how heavy he was though, despite the fact that he wasn't muscular, because he didn't even budge despite my best efforts.

"I'll only leave if you agree to get dressed and come with me?" He tried as he lay down on my bed with his hands behind his head.

"Come with you?" I replied, only realising the innuendo in it when Alex let out a smirk, to which I rolled my eyes at.

How old was he again?

"I convinced Xavier to let me take you on out on one of my errands, yanno, get a breath of fresh air", my eyes must have shone at his response because I had suddenly found my way to escape. I ran into the closet before Alex could say anything else and changed into a simple pair of denim shorts and a red off-shoulder blouse.

"Okay lets go" I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room and down the stairs before he could change his mind.

My excitement however, was cut short when I spotted Xavier at the front door.

"I trust that Alex has outlined the consequences there will be if you attempt to do anything stupid out there" A hint of warning in his voice as he raised an eyebrow at Alex.

"Uh, she kinda dragged me out of the room before I could say anything" Alex responded, scratching the back of his neck.

This time Xavier looked back at me, a stern look on his face, "You even think of escaping or alerting anyone of your whereabouts, and your friend Skylar will receive a not so nice visit from me. Am I understood?"

I gulped, nodding my head frantically, not knowing what else to say. The pretty bastard had threatened me in the one way he knew I would abide to. I suddenly wasn't so excited for this outing.

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