Chapter Vienticinco

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I felt a cool breeze around me. I moved my arms around the bed hoping to capture Eli's warmth, but when all I felt was empty sheets, my eyes shot open.

Only to find Eli standing on the other side of the bed, in just his boxers, with his phone in his hand.

"Oh shit, did I wake you? I'm sorry, I just remembered I switched my phone off and threw it somewhere across the room, and thought I'd better go turn it on in case we sleep in", he quickly explained, as he popped his phone in a charger and crawled back into the bed. I looked over at the time to notice it was only 3am.

"It's alright, I'm just a light sleeper", I shrugged as Eli wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in to him.

The next time I opened my eyes, it wasn't to an empty bed, it was to Eli's chest, slowly rising and falling with his breathing. I smiled to myself as I watched him. Huh, now I was Edward Cullen.

I took the opportunity to slowly get out of bed and brush my teeth before he woke up. Realising I was still naked, I grabbed Eli's white dress shirt off the floor and slipped it on.

I creeped back into bed hoping not to wake him up, as I gently laid my hand down on his chest, feeling his heart pulsing underneath my palm. I began slowly tracing his tattoos with the feather light touch my fingers.

In that moment I realised, his tattoos were not simply there because he loved having art all over his body, or because he wanted to look badass... his tattoos covered his scars, and there were a lot of them. Beneath some of his lighter tattoos, I could see the faint scars, remnants of stitch markings, it seemed.

Before I could fully examine them, Eli began stirring, before blinking, and then rubbing his eyes open.

"Hey", he laced with a smile, his morning voice deep and husky.

"Hey," I smiled back, "sorry I woke you, didn't I?"

"I couldn't imagine being woken up by anything better", he mused, before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Wait a second, is that my shirt?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged, feigning innocence.

"How do you manage to look better in my shirt than I do?"

"It's a talent" I smirked.

Eli stared back at me in silence, smiling. For some reason, I never liked people staring at me for too long. I was far from insecure, but when someone starts analysing your face, you start to imagine all the flaws they see.

"Stop it", I attempted to push his face the other way, only to have him grab my hand and kiss the tip of my fingers.

"This might be weird, and I probably should have asked you this last night, and I was planning on it you know, but you kind of seduced me, and I started thinking with my dick and totally forgot-"

"Aw is this the part where you propose?" I joked, secretly hoping it wasn't what he was actually going to do.

Eli started coughing as he choked, "what, I, no, but you uh,"

I couldn't help but laugh at his frazzled state, "I was joking, Jesus, I don't expect a proposal after the first lay Eli."

"Right," he cleared his throat, laughing nervously, as he started playing with my fingers that lay idly in his hands, "then I guess you don't want me asking if you wanna boyfriend after the first lay either?"

Before I could answer, there was a frantic knock at the door.

"Hey lovebirds! Sorry to interrupt, but we have a fucking problem!" Jacob screamed out behind the door.

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