Chapter Catorce

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A/N: this is a double update so make sure you check out the chapter before this, "Chapter Trece" first!

It was the day of the charity gala. The day I would finally get the chance to interact with someone other than the same six people I was forced to interact with daily. Don't get me wrong it was great talking to Eli, Alex and Katherine, but I was dying for some new human interaction.

It also meant I could possibly figure out more information on the guys. What Alex had told me just sparked more questions instead of answering them. So, there were still things I was secretly dying to find out.

Katherine was currently rummaging through my closet trying to find the perfect dress. The closet seemed like a mall in itself, and I'm pretty sure every now and then, new clothes randomly appeared too.

At the back of the closet, there were 8 gorgeous gowns hanging untouched. That was until Katherine made me try them all on for her.

"My god, that's perfect!" Katherine mentioned on the final dress. It was a two-piece black outfit. The top was low cut, a sheer cover over the cleavage area, and the skirt was long and flowy but with a high enough slit on the side so I didn't look Mormon.

"I mean you looked stunning in all the dresses but they were a little dramatic for a gala like this, but this one is absolutely perfect! and we'll be in matching styles!" Eleanor complimented, her enthusiasm reminded me of Sky, making my heart pang.

"Oh honey, are you okay?" I hadn't concealed the heartache I was feeling as well as I thought on my face, because she immediately realised something was wrong.

"As okay as I can be... I just miss Sky, a lot" I admitted, picking up my dress and sitting down on my bed.

Katherine paced over to the bed and sat next to me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, "hey, how about this, we go out to the gala tonight, look gorgeous and have a kick ass night, and then tomorrow I'll talk to Xavier and see if we can arrange for you to meet up with her somewhere private?"

I looked over to her, my eyes beaming at the mention of seeing Sky again.

"I can't make any promises, but I'll try my best okay? Now come on, a girl as pretty as you, in an outfit as beautiful as that, shouldn't be in the slumps", she added pulling me up and over to where she had all her makeup and hair products ready to attack me.

Hours later, we were finally done. My hair was in a sleek high ponytail and my eyes were glowing thanks to the dark smoky shadow Kat had created for me.

Kat also looked stunning, but she looked gorgeous on any ordinary day too. She was right when she said we were going to be in matching styles. She was in a two piece outfit as well with a thigh high slit, except her outfit was a blush colour and her top was an off the shoulder long sleeve, with a matching choker.

Up until that moment, I had completely forgotten that Eli mentioned that we would be going to the gala together. When Katherine announced that the guys were waiting downstairs for us, I suddenly began feeling knots in my stomach.

Ha, no, Mia Reinhart did not get butterflies over guys. I was probably just nervous because this was one of the few public outings I was going to have since being here.

"You ready?" Katherine outstretched her arm, motioning for me to go forward.

I nodded my head and walked outside, deciding to pick up my dress before attempting to go down the stairs. I was fine wearing heels, but my short height meant that the dress was just a tad long on me, so I kept my eyes on the stairs to make sure I wasn't going to trip over anything.

I got to the bottom of the stairs to realise that Eli wasn't even there. I looked back at Katherine who was taking the last few steps as she looked over at Aiden, who actually was waiting for her, with a big smile on her face. But when she looked over at the empty space next to Aiden, her facial expression changed as she frowned towards the empty space.

"He's in the hallway in front of the mirror, trying to get his tie on" Aiden responded, clearly understanding his girlfriend's unspoken question.

I gave a small smile to Aiden and Kat before walking towards the hallway to find Eli muttering to himself as he put on a bowtie.

I let out a small laugh which got his attention as he looked my way, an instant smile taking over his previously frustrated expressions.

"Sorry, I couldn't get the damn tie on, so I switched it out for this clip on bowtie." He said, adjusting the bowtie around his neck. His clean cut black suit contrasted the white dress shirt underneath. His dark hair slicked to the side, showcasing the tattoo engraved on the other side.

I looked at him, noticing he was doing the exact same thing I was. His eyes outlining every inch of me with a flustered expression.

"You look uh, wow" Eli commented, almost stuttering for words.

"I'll take that as a good wow and not a 'wow you look awful'", I joked, but before he had the chance to respond, Katherine came over and told us we'd be late if we didn't leave now.

As we approached Aiden's Bentley, Katherine informed us that Xavier and Jacob were already on their way there so we had to hurry in order to catch up with them.

Aiden drove and Katherine took the front seat next to him, which meant Eli and I were in the back.

"Okay, when we get there, no funny business, no attempting any contact beyond what's necessary, we're there to show our presence, you're there because Xavier has allowed you to be. Do anything stupid and you know who's going to pay the price", Aiden announced, his little speech obviously aimed at me as he looked at me through the rear-view mirror.

Katherine looked back and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Yeah okay, I'll be on my best behaviour" I responded nonchalantly.

We had arrived at the complex where the gala was being held moments later. It was a high-rise building, the exterior completely made up of glass.

Xavier and Jacob were waiting for us by the front door, they both looked charming in their suits. Xavier gave a brief nod over to Aiden and Eli before walking in.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: I couldn't stop writing once I started which was why I just decided to do a double update. Hope y'all enjoyed it ❤️

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