Chapter Uno

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Have you ever been in a situation with a friend, where they're doing something you don't want to be doing, but you do it anyway because, well because that's what friends do.

It may make you really begin to question the legitimacy of your friendship with that person... or at least, that's what I was doing.

"Ouch! Stop pushing, it's not going in."

"Come on Mia, this is 50% off Louboutin, you have to make it fit!" Sky boasted back, as she kneeled before me, squeezing my foot into a size 5 Louboutin, the last of the 50% off shoes left. In this stance, we probably resembled the evil step sisters of Cinderella, who tried to force the petite glass slipper on their big, fat feet.

"Why don't you try it on, Sky" I exclaimed, as she continued forcing it on me, her tongue sticking out, trying to find the perfect angle to make the shoe fit.

"We've been through this! I'm a size 8 and you're a size 6, so if anyone's going to fit into this, it's you, now could you please curl your damn toes and fit into it already!"

I sighed aloud. She wasn't going to give up. I pushed her hand away from my foot and got up, slipping my feet back into my own comfortable flats.

Sky got up and threw her hands in the air, like the drama-queen that she was, while practically shouting, "fine, fine! Your loss... although, we could just buy them anyway, at least we'll have the pretty little box sitting in our closet."

"What- are you," I stopped myself from asking her if she was serious, because I knew all too well that she was, "we have bills to pay Sky!"

I took her hand and dragged her out towards our car before she made any stupid decisions. I made sure to pick up speed so we wouldn't be tempted by anymore stores around us. I wasn't sure what even possessed us to come to such a high end mall in the first place, we probably couldn't even afford a piece of fabric here anyway.

On the way to the car park we stumbled, no, he stumbled, a creepy looking guy with a messy beard and ripped clothes, accidentally stumbled into us. Although, it was clear he knew what he was doing when his hand landed on my ass.

Sky and I had actually seen the same guy a few times at different locations and we would always joke about how he was stalking us. Although, joke may not have been the right term, because he was definitely creeping.

In fact, it was almost comical seeing a man like him wondering near such high end stores, but then again, who was I to talk? He could have been a million times richer than I was, for all I knew.

Sky, like the great friend that she was, slapped him and said she never wanted to see him again or else she would call the cops. She was bluffing of course, she despised the police. Nevertheless, the threat caused the guy to walk away, not before giving off his creepiest smirk though.

We decided to ignore the weird interaction that had occurred and continued on our way to the car. A lovely 20-minute drive, consisting of Sky and I singing at the top of our lungs later, we were back at our loft.

Our cozy one bedroom loft... and when I say cozy, what I really mean is cramped; but it wasn't like either of us had rich parents to hand us down trust funds or allowances. In fact, neither of us had any parents to begin with. Not that we knew of anyway. Our parents decided they were better off without two gorgeous girls like us in their lives and left us in the hands of the system when we were just babies.

Sky and I didn't grow up in the same orphanage though. In fact, we hadn't even met each other until 4 years ago when we were both on the run from our miserable lives. She was a year younger than me and polar opposite, yet in some ways we were like two peas in a pod.

Where Sky was tall, had cascading red hair and eyes that reminded you of the midnight sky, I was shorter and had plain black hair but blue eyes that shone green in the right light.

Nonetheless, we got along instantly because we shared one major thing in common, we didn't feel sorry for ourselves, or each other, and we didn't care what life threw at us, we always looked at the positives in life and told our troubles to go screw themselves.

"Shit! Mia look at the time, you're going to be late for work!" Sky exclaimed, as she plopped down on our springy couch.

I looked at the clock in shock as I realised she was right. It was 5:50pm and my shift at the restuarant began at 6pm.

"You know if someone hadn't been trying to fit my foot into a shoe that clearly wasn't going to fit me, I wouldn't be late right now!" I screamed as I looked for my work clothes in our messy room, knowing Sky could very well hear me over Gossip Girl playing on the TV.

"Excuses! Excuses!" Sky yelled back.

I changed into my waitress uniform and hastily packed everything into my purse. "Don't eat leftovers again, make something proper, ok? Love ya! Bye" I quickly gave Sky a kiss on the cheek before practically flying out the door.

"Love you tooooo!" I heard behind the closed door.

I started power walking to the car, I would have ran but that wasn't really my thing. I reached into my bag to take out the keys but halted when my skin prickled, sensing a a presence behind me. I slowly started reaching for the pepper spray in my purse instead.

It was probably some jackass looking to steal some money off me, and it wouldn't have been the first time given the high crime rate in our shitty neighbourhood.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I heard a deep voice behind me, followed by someone else's chuckling.

Okay I take it back, maybe running should be my thing.

There's no way I would have been able to take down two jackasses with my pepper spray.

Just as I was contemplating the best strategy to get away from the voices behind me, one of their hands came around covering my mouth with a cloth.

Oh great, now I was definitely going to be late for work.

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Authors Note: First chapter done and dusted! (Second chapter has also been published right after this). I'm not sure if the formatting and whatnot is correct, I'm still trying to get the feel of things.

The story starts off a little slow right now, but I promise it'll pick up pace!

Let me know what you thought xx

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