Chapter Cincuenta y Uno

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"I look so fat"

"How could you say that Kat, you're absolutely glowing!"

Zara was right, Katherine was absolutely glowing in her long white dress, her tanned skin and dark hair deeply contrasting the bright angelic colour.

"Come on you two, Kat's going to be late to her own baby shower if we don't go down now" Sky exclaimed, beaming in her short baby blue dress.

We were all dressed in either blue or pink, based on what we thought the gender of the baby was going to be. I opted for a pink playsuit as I felt as though the baby was a girl, as did Zara.

We finally made it down to the party, where there was an explosion of blue and pink decorations. The main event was of course the big box dangling down in the middle of the room, waiting to be opened so the contents could reveal whether the baby was a girl or boy.

Katherines parents, who made it in time for the party, were both having a conversation with Aiden, who seemed to have been a nervous wreck all day.

Aiden's parents were also there, as were Penelope and Sebastian, as well as Zara's mother, although her father couldn't make it due to work obligations.

Speaking of work obligations...

I hadn't seen Elijah since our abrupt meeting yesterday. I decided it was best to sleep in my own room for the night, not that he even slept in his own room anymore.

Xavier and Sebastian had managed to pull away from their respective offices long enough to come down. Although I thought Penelope and Zara's scowling's may have had something to do with that too.

"This is so exciting, I can't wait to find out if I'm going to have a niece or nephew!" Alex beamed as he wrapped an arm around Sky's waist, who seemed to have finally calmed down about his parents, after I informed Alex about her worries and he decided to speak with her about it.

"Either way, you're going to be a great uncle" I smiled at Alex, who unlike his brother, who was currently wiping his sweaty palms, seemed nothing but ecstatic.

"Where did Kat disappear off to?" I heard Aiden's anxious voice ask behind me, prompting me to turn and look around the room for her.

"She's upstairs convincing Elijah to come down, she'll be back any moment, don't worry!" Zara responded before Aiden sent out a search party for her.

As Zara prompted, Katherine did return with Elijah, although he seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else.

I didn't want to start an argument at such a joyous event, so I decided to divert my attention back to the lovely couple who were about to open the gender reveal box.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Alex screamed, running out of the room and returning with his phone, "I have to film this... okay now you can open it!"

Katherine and Aiden looked at each other with anticipation before counting down and opening the lid of the door.

"3... 2... 1..."

A stream of pink confetti and balloons poured out of the box causing everyone to yell and clap for the happy couple and their soon to be baby girl.

Although that wasn't the only thing that fell down from the box.

Aiden kneeled down and picked up something before turning to Alex and asking, "can you keep the camera rolling for a little longer?"

I looked over confused for a moment before I realised what had truly caused Aiden's nervousness all day.

Leaning down on one knee, Aiden spoke softly, "Katherine... querido... I'm sorry it took me this long to realise that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I honestly can't imagine living without you," as Aiden spoke, I noticed the tears forming in his eyes, and the ones already streaming from Kat's face, "for every bad decision I made, you were there for me, and you have transformed me into the best version of me I could ever be. 3 years and 3 months ago I asked you to be my girlfriend, and despite my occasional cranky moments, you said yes and have stuck by me since then... 3 years and 3 months later I'm asking you to allow me to spend the rest of my life loving you... Katherine Gomez, will you do me the honour," he stopped for a second, using the back of his hand to wipe at his eyes, almost choking on his words, "will you marry me?"

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