Chapter Doce

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2 weeks had passed since Alex's incident. Yet I was still just as clueless as to how or why it happened. Everyone in the house had accustomed to averting my questions about it, or about anything related to their line of work in general.

Throughout the week Alex had been getting back up on his feet and his limping had almost completely subsided. I had spent most of my free nights lounging with him or watching something in the cinema room. Not that I had much else to do.

Most of my days were of course spent cleaning up. The game room was a mess again with cups and cigarette buds everywhere. I didn't even realise when parties were being held. It was as if someone was trashing the room solely to annoy me.

Sometime last week I also got extremely homesick. I spoke to Xavier about getting into contact with Sky and he blatantly refused me. I then proceeded to yell at him because I didn't even know if he was telling the truth about her, for all I knew she could have been dead. He assured me that, that wasn't the case by throwing a bunch of recent photos of her working at the café. Which only lead me to start thinking, did this girl not even care that I was missing?

It was Sunday again, the only day of the week that Xavier allowed me to spend without having to pick up a single cleaning equipment. So, I had woken up deciding that if I was going to be stuck here, for god knows how much longer, than I was going to enjoy the reaping benefits of living in this mansion. That of course begun with the pool.

I had changed into a blue two-piece swimsuit, wrapped a towel around myself and quickly made my way to the backyard before anyone had seen me.

I made my way to the backyard, dipping a foot into the pool to make sure the temperature was right. Throwing the towel around me onto one of the resting chairs, I dived into the water.

I had always loved swimming, it gave me a sense of freedom. You could move in any direction or even just stop and float for a little while. The water lapped gently with my every movement. I laid on my back, arms outstretched, palms opened, slowly releasing all bodily tension and simply soaking in the warmth of the sun and welcoming the calmness of the silence around me.

"You look a little lonely there" I heard, as I opened my eyes to see Eli standing by the edge of the pool, in all his shirtless glory.

"How did you-"

"You're forgetting I have an incredibly large window that outlooks the backyard" he interrupted, pointing up towards his window.

I began swimming towards the edge where he was standing, the sun had somehow shone down precisely on Eli's body as if an angel was beaming and ready to take him up-to heaven.

Well, get in line, because I haven't had my turn yet.

Every tattoo on his chiselled chest was highlighted and his body on display; he was truly a work of art. Once I was done gawking at his body I looked up to see his eyes locked on mine, and a smirk across his face. I was caught checking him out, and yet I didn't care.

"You coming in or you just going to stand there and watch me?" I remarked, almost provocatively

Only seconds later, he was in the pool and began sauntering towards me, almost in slow motion, as if he were the one teasing me. His hair hadn't hit the water yet, so his tousled and lustrous locks shone with every move he made. His grey eyes were taunting me. He knew I was interested, I just wasn't one to ever hide my attraction towards someone.

With every step he took in the water, I took a step back, until my back hit the edge of the pool and the smirk in Eli's face rose.

"going somewhere princess?"

I almost made a crude remark at that, but bit my tongue. Didn't want to scare him off just yet. Instead I brought my hands out of the water and slowly rose them to his chest before they made their way to his shoulders. The reflection of the water had coloured his skin and his eyes with little filaments of light. His eyes that were locked on mine, but I knew he desperately wanted to look elsewhere.

From the corner of my eyes I saw the movement of his own hands beneath the water, before I felt them on my waist.

But that wasn't the only thing I saw, because behind Eli's head I saw another figure in the distance.

Eli must have noticed my eyes averting behind him as he stated, "We're about to be interrupted, again, aren't we?"


Thank goodness for the shield of Eli's body, because Alex had decided to make a grand splashing entrance.

Eli and I both refrained from laughing, it was as if someone out there didn't want us spending too much time together alone. Must be that damned angel making sure I didn't touch her man.

"Alex, aren't you supposed to be taking it easy?" I reminded him, it hadn't been more than two weeks since he was shot.

"Nonsense! This is like a piece of cake compared to the time I was shot in the shoulder."

"You were what!" I exclaimed, looking between Alex and Eli to see if they were just messing with me.

"Took him almost 2 months to recover that time, but he took it like a champ" Eli explained slapping a hand over Alex's shoulder where I now noticed a faded scar. They talked of getting shot so casually you would think they were talking about a game and not a real-life situation.

"How do you guys keep getting yourselves in such situations, you've gotta be messing with some crazy people to keep getting shot like that" I asked, sounding as casual as I could, maybe if I didn't sound so shocked, they would think it's okay to tell me more.

Eli looked over at Alex and they shared a common look, "I'd love to stay and explain, but the waters making me prune, and trust me, these tattoos do not look good over pruned skin", he continued whilst swimming over to the other side of the pool and swiftly getting out.

Psh, coward. Ridiculously good-looking coward.

I averted my attention back to Alex, crossing my arms and attempting to look intimidating.

"Are you okay? Do you need to pee or something" Alex asked, making me burst out laughing. Of course, my attempts at being intimidating made me look constipated. 

I stopped laughing enough to move over closer to Alex, "you just got in the water, which means you won't start pruning for another good 20 minutes or so, so start explaining"

"Fine! Fine! But can I enjoy the pool for a little while first? I promise I'll let you in on a little something later", his promise could have been empty for all I knew, but his small humorous eyes were pleading, so I obliged.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: I was supposed to have this chapter up sooner but Wattpad kept giving me "under maintenance" pop ups and wouldn't let me publish it.

Will Mia ever get to kiss Eli before getting interrupted? Stay tuned to find out 😉

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