Chapter Cincuenta y Cuatro

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"Woah" I gasped as I entered the ballroom where the party was going to be held.

I stood there, absorbing my surroundings. Silk banners and streamers, dyed in the gold shades I had picked out yesterday, hung from the ceiling. A gorgeous and grand crystal chandelier made a statement in the middle, with various floral arrangements and ornaments displayed around the room.

Behind me I heard two pairs of footsteps descending the stairs. One pair, thick heels, lightly bracing the refined marble flooring, and the other a little heavier, taking each step with confidence.

I turned around to meet Penelope and Sebastian, arm in arm, observing my reaction.

"It's beautiful, perhaps a bit extravagant, but beautiful nonetheless" I commented, watching as Penelope smiled sweetly at my response.

"We know we cannot make up for the lost years," Sebastian acknowledged, briefly looking at his wife before returning his attention towards me, "but we hope we can be there for you in your years to come, if you will have us."

A small smile made its way across my face as I nodded, "of course".

"Oh! Before I forget" Penelope exclaimed, reaching out for a box that had been on the hallway table, before stepping forward and placing it out towards me.

"What's this?" I asked, unsure if I was supposed to take it or not.

"It is yours cariño, to wear tonight if you please" Sebastian simply gestured towards the box, urging me to take it.

I slowly opened the velvet box to find inside a pair of the most gorgeous dangling diamond drop earrings I had ever laid eyes on.

I would have muttered a 'I couldn't possibly take these', but 1. I knew they would have insisted and 2. Who was I kidding? I wanted to take them.

"Thank you" I breathed, "It will go perfectly with my dress" I added, ensuring to them that I would be wearing them tonight.

Hours later, I found myself strapped to chair, well not physically strapped, but Zara had basically done so with her words.

The girls had rented out a room above the ballroom so that we could all get ready on site and make our entrances to the ballroom through a grand staircase.

I had someone fixing my hair into an up-do, as the other did my makeup and another my nails. The fume of hairsprays and setting sprays mixed with the smell of the nail-polish, almost caused me to pass out.

As I stared into the mirror seeing the finished product, I was sure I was actually going to pass out this time.

"Mia... oh my god I think I'm going to cry" Sky exclaimed, her hands over her mouth as she looked on the brink of tears.

"Do I look that ugly?" I joked, trying to ensure her tears didn't spill and ruin her makeup.

Staring back into the mirror I knew I looked far from ugly. My silver smoking eyeshadow matched the embellishment of my sparkling dress and flowing chiffon cape, making my eyes shine brighter than I had ever seen them shine.

Penelope came forward, wanting to put on the earrings her and Sebastian had got me, herself, "eres tan guapa que podrías ser una princesa."
(you are so beautiful, you could be a princess)

"ella es una princesa... mi princesa" I instantly recognized the voice behind the foreign words. Zara wanted him to meet me at the bottom of the stairs, but I pleaded that we walk down together so my nerves wouldn't get the best of me.

Everyone began ducking out of the room, with Kat pointing at him before leaving, "don't ruin her makeup... and have her downstairs in exactly 10 minutes or I'm coming for you" she had warned.

I eyed Eli as he raised his hands in surrender to Kat's words. His crisp white suit tailored perfectly for his body, his contrastingly dark tattoos seeping out of the collar and cuffs. Zara had ensured his waistcoat and tie were a bright grey to match my silver dress.

"Well don't you look handsome" I remarked, drawing his attention back to me.

He drew in a breath as his eyes met mine, "I don't think there are enough words in either the English or Spanish dictionary to describe what I see right now."

"So, I'm assuming you like the cape? Don't think it's too much?" I asked giving him a twirl.

"Too much? It's not enough, you're missing your tiara princesa," he mused as he stepped forward, his eyes drawn to my lips, "I would kiss you right now but I'm afraid Kat might ruin me."

I wrapped my arms around his neck as best I could with the restrictions of my cape, and leaned in to kiss him. His hands immediately drifted to my hips as he pulled me closer. Our breathing quickened, and I knew we had to stop before he ripped off my very expensive dress.

I urged myself to push him away and on que our lips parted as he leaned his forehead on mine whispering, "you're going to be the death of me".

"How many people are down there?" I asked, trying to keep both our minds off each other, yet his response of 'a hundred people or so' only caused my lust to be replaced with endless nerves.

"They're all going to love you Mia, it's impossible not to" he remarked as he held my hands in his.

I stood there silently, overthinking the amount of things that could go wrong.? Was I really going to live up-to the expectation of being Sebastian King's daughter?

"Mia look at me" Eli's soft velvet voice pleaded following my deafening silence.

"I am looking at you" I responded.

"No baby, I want you to look me in the eyes."

"I am looking at your eyes" I lied.

"Princess... I can tell you're looking at my nose"

"Well it's a nice nose and I don't pay enough attention to it" I shrugged, not keeping my eyes off his beautifully sculptured nose.

"There's another body part you could be paying attention to, but if we start that, Kat will be dragging me downstairs by the ears" he mused smirking, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

A smirk grew on my own face as I responded, "it's your belly button, isn't it? I know you've always wanted me to lick your belly button."

The smirk on Eli's face immediately disappeared as he looked at me confused, "what? No, I- stop changing the subject!"

I chuckled as I observed his flustered state before he got serious again.

"You're going to be fine out there tonight, I promise" he lifted our linked hands and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

I nodded in response, "okay, let's do this before I change my mind and escape through the window."

In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Once I had my breathing under control I linked my arm with Eli's and we began our descent.

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Authors Note: Can we talk about how gorgeous that dress is!? 😍

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