Chapter Dieciocho

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An hour of frantically looking for an outfit, and trying to figure out how to do my hair and makeup, later. I might have been ready.

I went with an off the shoulder, navy, bodycon dress, that had spirals of blush coloured flowers spread over it, accompanied by a slight slit running up my left leg, i decided it was the perfect outfit for tonight.

I decided to leave my hair slicked back and went with subtle eye makeup and a nude coloured liquid lipstick by Milani, that Katherine had gave me.

I looked over at the clock, it was already 5:59pm. I went over to grab a pair of nude sandal heels to finish off my look and head down, when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I yelled back, assuming it was Alex or Katherine, because they were the only two that usually came up to my room.

Yet when I turned around, I saw Eli standing at the door, looking quite awkward, nervously playing with the single rose that lay in his hand.

He was in a dark blue suit, and a white dress shirt. No tie. I smiled to myself thinking about how he probably attempted to put on a tie, but thought 'screw it' after struggling with it for too long.

"You look... gorgeous", he breathed. My smile widened as he stepped forward to hand me the flower, "Jacob said girls like roses, although thinking about it now, I probably should have asked you what your favourite flower is, sorry."

"You got advice on how to pick up a girl, from a gay guy?" I asked, trying not to chuckle at the thought.

"In hindsight, that probably wasn't my best idea"

"Well thank you, I do actually love roses" I smiled, as he handed me the rose, and I took his hand in mind as we began leaving.

"I think you might have forgotten to actually mention that this was going to be a one on one thing, I was under the impression everyone was going out, until Aiden corrected me anyway." I confessed as we entered his car.

The corner of his eyes crinkled as he looked over at me and smiled, "you asked me to take you out, so here we are".

"What! No I didn't?" I questioned, confused as to where he had heard this information from.

He chuckled at my response, causing my confusion to spike, "don't worry about it, I'm taking you out because I wanted to, something you said last night might have sped up the process, that's all".

The rest of the car ride over to the restaurant was quite short, or maybe it just felt that way, because we spent most of the ride changing the radio, trying to find something good to listen to, yet found ourselves laughing and agreeing that nothing on the radio today suited either of our likes.

When we arrived, I could tell Eli had actually done his research about Chinese cuisine. The restaurant was stunning. The interior was masked in black, red and gold, with an exquisite light display hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. As we entered, I could immediately smell the aromas of Chinese cuisine. It was one of my favourites. Then again, I liked almost all things food.

"Table for two, reservation under Velasquez." 

I looked up at him. The way he said his last name made me smile. I had never heard him speak Spanish, but by the way he pronounced his last name, I knew he could speak it fluently.

"Your tables this way" the hostess said, as she led us to a table at the back, where there were fewer people.

"This place is amazing" I commented, as we took our seats, still in awe of the interior design.

Eli looked over at me, he seldom smiled with his lips, but it was his eyes that shone instead, glistening in the restaurant lights, making the grey look almost metallic. 

"You know if you spend all night looking at me like that, I'm going to end up having dinner of another kind", he mused, a slight smirk crossing his face.

"Don't tempt me" I teased, as I picked up the menu, masking my own smirk, that was threatening to cross my face.

I decided on pan fried scallops, with a sesame sauce and citrus, enoki mushroom and almond salad. Eli got the roast deboned duck with a light mint and chilli plum sauce, with wok smoked noodles.

The food arrived in swift manner, and as Eli picked up his chopsticks so elegantly, I found myself almost embarrassed to pick up mine and look like an idiot in the process.

"Need a little help there, princess?" he boasted, sensing my hesitation on using the chopsticks. My pride quickly stood, and I took the chopsticks between my fingers as best as I could, causing Eli to shake his head, smiling.

"Your last name, Velasquez, I'm assuming your dad is Hispanic?" I asked in between bites.

"Yup, my full last name is actually Velasquez Winslow, in the Spanish culture your last name is inherited from both your father and mother," he smiled as I looked at him with a confused look on my face, "nevermind it's a long process, but yes the Spanish last name is from my father who was born in Spain, he then moved to London, met my mum there, and then they both moved here, and had me" he beamed, but I heard the hint of woe in his tone before he covered it with a smile.

I wondered what had happened, but I didn't feel as though I was in a position to start delving deep into the sorrows of his life. The night had also been sweet so far, I didn't want to be the one to change that.

So instead we decided on small talk. We had known each other for weeks and yet didn't really know each other at all.

I learnt his favourite colour, which surprisingly wasn't black, it was grey. Besides art, he also loved cooking and if it wasn't for the house already having a cook, he probably would have been the house chef.

He also mentioned that some of his favourite tattoos were influenced by a Spanish surrealist artist named Salvador Dali, and others were based on the type of music he grew up listening to with his mum. I was engrossed by it all. His passion for art and his love for his mum. I could have listened to him go on all night, but the wine I had with my food was begging to come out, so I excused myself to the bathroom while he ordered our desserts.

As I entered the bathroom, I stood there baffled at how exquisite even their bathroom was. The counter top vanity, a dusky red wood, which contrasted the high steel ceiling, providing the bathroom with an exotic and high end appearance.

In the trance of my observations,  I heard a few small yells coming from outside. Someone must have been having an argument with the chef or something, I thought to myself, rich people tend to take for granted the things they are privileged with.

I did a touch up of my lipstick in the bathroom, since some of it had been wiped by all the food I had, and began walking out.

Instantly I recognised a change in the atmosphere. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. I noticed everyone crowded in one area, concerned expressions masking the faces of all the guests.

My blood ran cold as I realised it was the same area Eli and I were seated at.

I picked up my pace as my heart started racing.

Please let everything be okay. I kept praying as I got closer to the area.

But there was Eli, surrounded by the few guests and staff in the restaurant.

He held the right side of his stomach where my eyes were instantly drawn to.


There was blood, and lots of it.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: well isn't that a wonderful way to end a first date?

Also, just pointing out that my knowledge of Spanish culture is limited to what I've learnt at school, so if there's any mistakes or misconceptions I've made, please let me know!

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