Chapter Diecisiete

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"Oh God, why does my head hurt so bad?" I asked myself as a pounding headache took over me, also, my ass was strangely sore.

"You have a hangover"

"Shit, you scared me" I remarked, startled at Eli's sudden presence. I looked over to see him standing by my door, what looked to be a milkshake in one hand, and some pills in the other.

"How do you know that? Wait, when did you even get back?"

"Last night, just in time to witness your drunk escapades", he responded whilst walking towards me, before placing the shake on the bedside table.

"Ugh, no, please tell me I didn't" I ran my hand over my face trying to recollect any memories of last night, but I was the worst kind of drunk. I did and said the stupidest things, and then I couldn't recall any of it the next day.

I suddenly remembered my sore ass.

"Wait a second, did we," I narrowed my eyes at Eli as I spoke, "did you- we didn't do anything right?"

He started scratching the back of his head before responding, "well...."

WE DID? Oh god. Was I even good? Why did my ass hurt? Please don't tell me I insisted he hit it from the back. My poor backside was still a virgin and I was hoping to keep it that way.

"No, I'm just kidding, but your face right now," he started laughing, he had the audacity to laugh at me after scaring me like that, "priceless", he added, continuing to laugh a little more, until he saw me glaring at him, causing him to cough and straighten up.

"Why does my ass hurt then?" I asked, still sceptical.

"I was carrying you to your bedroom, but you wouldn't stop moving around, and I kind of, maybe, dropped you on your ass, by accident though I swear"

Great. The guys in this house really had a knack for dropping me on my ass.

"it's fine, thanks for helping me, I know I can get sort of weird when I'm drunk".

"Are you kidding? You're hilarious when you're drunk", he said whilst grinning, causing me to pout, unsure if he was complimenting me or insulting me.

"You should probably drink that though", he added, pointing to the shake still on the bedside table whilst outstretching his hand to give me the pills.

"What is it?" I asked before popping the pills and downing it with the shake, without even waiting for his response.

"It's a blend of nuts, bananas, honey, coconut water, ground oats and milk... always helps me with my hangovers", he shrugged.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver".

He nodded his head and began to leave the room, but turned around at the last step, "by the way, we're going out for Chinese tonight, so be ready by 6", and with that he was out the door before I could even ask who was going to be there.

After I took a much needed shower and put on some new clothes I headed over to the library to clean up, but I found myself engrossed in a Stephen King novel instead.

I loved the horror genre. As soon as I could read well enough, the only thing I read were Goosebumps novels. Then, when I was old enough to get my hands on DVDs, I immersed myself in movies like Scream, Saw and Final Destination.

Sky never understood why I would get so excited when there was a good horror movie coming out. I guess it excited me, the feeling of your heart racing when you know somebody is about to die because they decided to run upstairs instead of walk out the front door. I'd like to think I wouldn't be so dumb in such a situation. Then again, I managed to get myself kidnapped, so maybe I wasn't one to talk.

"You have a strange way of cleaning."

I reluctantly looked up from my book; I placed Aiden's voice, and was not in the mood to hear him lecturing me about how I should be cleaning instead of reading.

However, to my surprise, Aiden simply grabbed a book and sat down on one of the chairs. I recognised the book he held, 'And Then There Were None' by Agatha Christie, good choice.

"You can stop staring at me now and resume your reading, I'm not going to say anything", he muttered without even looking up.

"Is there a reason why you hate me?" I leaned forward and asked, even though he clearly didn't look like he was in the mood to talk to me, "I mean, you're the one that kidnapped me and yet you're mad at me for some reason? Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

He groaned, rather loudly might I add, and put his book down, no, let me rephrase, he slammed his book down, and glared at me before shrugging, "you're a nuisance."

"Excuse me?" I exclaimed.

"You don't know half the shit we've gone through because of you", he simply added in an accusing tone. The nerve of this man.

"I didn't ask you to do anything for me, in fact, if it were up to me, I wouldn't even be here, and then I wouldn't have been such a nuisance to your poor excuse of a life."

He chuckled condescendingly as his eyes bore into mine, "you've been a nuisance for me far before you stepped foot in this place darling."

"What the hell are you on about?" I asked, only to be met with silence as Aiden swiftly returned his attention back to his book.

Baffled, I chose to ignore his remarks, as I decided he was probably talking bullshit anyway.

Grumbling, I picked up my book and began to read, well tried to read. Every sentence I read was going through one eye and out the other. As I read the same page for the third time, I realised it was useless, my mind was already preoccupied.

As I got up to place the book back on the shelf, my eyes passed the clock on the wall and I took a second glance, realising it was already 4:30pm. Shit. I hadn't even picked out what I was going to wear tonight.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" I asked Aiden, realising he didn't look like he was going anywhere anytime soon.

"For what exactly?" He begrudgingly replied, clearly annoyed at my interrupting his reading.

"Eli mentioned that we're going out for Chinese tonight?"

He started chuckling; it was probably the first time I had seen him actually laugh, "I think that was Elijah's subtle way of saying he's going to take you out. Alone. Like on a date."

I blinked.


Now I definitely needed more time to pick out an outfit.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: we're getting closer to Mia finding out everything, and I've seen some people try and guess the reasons; it's actually fun to read your theories, so if you have any, leave them down below!

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