Chapter Vientinueve

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"Dammit Mia wake up"

"I swear to god if you don't wake up, and leave me here to rot alone-"

Blocking out the noise, I groggily opened my eyes, blinking to adjust to the light. My vision was blotched with violent colours that moved and merged without pattern or design.

"Oh thank god."

Why did I recognise that voice so much? It couldn't possibly be...


My eyes widened in disbelief. I moved to go towards her, to hug her and tell her how much I had missed her, only to feel my body flying back, causing me to realise that my hands were a little tied up.

I immediately started taking in our surroundings. A small room, with not much in it but grime and dirt. Four concrete walls, two poles on either side of the room, my hands tied to one, Sky handcuffed to the other.

"Where the fuck did you disappear off to, you bitch! I thought you bailed on me", Sky sniffed, causing me to take in her appearance.

Dried blood covered the right side of her face; her eyes that were once full of life, now drained of any.

"I... I... where are we?" I asked, rendering speechless to her question. I needed to figure out what we were doing here first.

"How am I supposed to know? Some sick bastard wrapped a cloth around my mouth on my way home from work and then I found myself here."

Then it hit me. The gala. Mason. He did this. It had to be. I didn't have any memory past him.

"How the hell did you get to New York?" I asked, causing Sky to scrunch up her face in confusion.

"Who the hell said anything about New York?"

My heart stilled. I had no idea where we were.

"Shit... I'm so sorry Sky..." I apologised, not knowing fully what for.

The tears threatening to escape her dark eyes stroke a pain of guilt in me.

"What happened Mia? Where the hell did you disappear off to?"

I took in a deep breath and explained everything that had happened to me up until now. The story of Alex and Aiden initially kidnapping me, then Xavier asking, wait no, forcing me to become his maid.

Sky asked me why I would agree, why I didn't try to escape. I laughed and explained to her that I tried to do exactly that, but the damn place was a fortress locked away from civilisation.

I talked about everything Alex and Jacob had told me, about the dangerous people they were associated with. I even went over the photos Xavier showed me of her and the threats he made.

"Is that who came to see me?" She interrupted.


"The day after you left, and I realised you hadn't come home, I tried calling you, but you had left your phone at home. I gave it till night fall, thinking maybe you had found some hot guy to spend the day with, but when you didn't come home, I started racking my brain for what might have happened. The next day I even thought about going to the police. The police Mia. You know how much we hate those dogs."

I knew what she meant. We spent most of our lives running from officials who kept trying to force us into homes that were either abusive or neglecting of us.

"I was going to do it. I got ready to go to the station, when some hot guy barged in our loft and told me, 'don't even think about it'. He threw a whole heap of money at me, told me to use that to pay for the rent and stuff while you were gone and to keep my mouth shut. I stayed home from work that day and cried. For the first time since we made that pact, and then almost every day after that, when I realised you weren't coming home."

If my hands weren't tied to a post right now I would have ran it through my hair.

That's what the guys meant when they said Sky was fine. They had paid her off, so she wouldn't be struggling. I didn't know whether to be relieved or frustrated by that news.

I looked down, not knowing how to start apologising to Sky. I should have fought harder to see her. I shouldn't have been so quick to give in to Xavier.

My thoughts halted when I really looked down at myself. My clothes. Where the hell was the dress I was wearing? I didn't even own the clothes I was currently wearing, more importantly though, "who the hell changed my clothes?"

"I'm not sure, they brought you in like that."

Shit. My stomach was about to lurch at the thought of Mason touching me, let alone undressing me.


"Who's they?"

"I'm not sure, it was two guys, one bald dude I had never seen before in my life, and the other, I don't know, he looked so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. Anyways, I was too busy pretending to be asleep, god knows what they would have done if they knew I were awake."

One must have been Mason, I thought to myself. The other... I didn't have a clue. Why would anyone want to do this to us?

As the room went quiet and the adrenaline of seeing Sky simmered, pain started kicking in. The side of my neck ached, possibly from where Mason pricked me. My arms were so dull and numb against the ropes that tied me, that moving them became almost impossible. Someone could probably have cut them off right there and I wouldn't have felt a thing.

My mouth was bone dry, making it ache when I even tried to swallow. My legs tingled, unsure of the last time I had used them.

"I think I've been here for at least a day now, and they brought you in at least 6 hours ago, may have even been longer, but there's not exactly a clock around here to keep time", Sky spoke gently. Her words running even more fear throughout my body.

How was it possible that none of the guys had come for me? Did I really not matter to any of them, to Alex, the girls, or to Eli?

"I wish I could just hug you right now, cuddle up like we used to back at the loft, pretend that none of this ever happened, that none of this is happening", I responded back, Sky and I both on the verge of tears again.

"Well isn't that just sweet", I heard the voice of the last person on earth I wanted to hear.

Moments after Mason entered the room, he grabbed me by the back of my hair, pain searing throughout my head.

"LET HER GO, YOU SICK FUCK!" Sky yelled beside me to deaf ears, as the anger flared up inside Mason at the mere sight of me.

His jaw clenched, veins swelled and face red, from the suppressed rage threatening to release on me.

He pulled out a gun and my own voice finally climbed its way up my dry throat, begging for release, pleading for my life.

"Why the hell are you doing this?"

"Ha! Why wouldn't I be doing this? I weaselled my way into the Kings, but got thrown out because of you! Now I've been offered another way in, a better way; of course, I was going to accept it," Mason started talking in riddles, "it wouldn't have come to this if just enjoyed my touch like the whore that you are, no. Then your darling brother had to interfere and save his long lost baby sister; but I've seen you at the clubs, and we both know you're a dirty little slut that would have begged me for more."

"M-my brother?" I stuttered, immediately picking up on those words. Was this guy on drugs? I didn't have a brother.

The room suddenly howled with laughter, "he didn't tell you? Oh, this is priceless, Xavier actually kept you locked up in that mansion for months, slaving you around, and never told you that he was actually your brother?"

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: Some of you guessed it!! There may have also been a hint in Chapter Siete, if anyone picked up on it 👀

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