Chapter Treinta Y Dos

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All I could feel was pain.

I took in a sharp intake of breath as my body came alive, even though I didn't want it to.

I winced as I curled my wrist after realising it was no longer tied.

A cool wind passed me as I looked down to see bruises covering my body.

I frowned when I saw the frail condition of my stomach. There was no blood so to say, but where my abdomen was once smooth, it was now lumpy in spaces I knew would turn purple soon. I would have sobbed at the site, but my body couldn't possibly have any tears left for me to shed.

I stilled in realisation as to what may have happened whilst I was passed out, but moving my legs, and feeling around, the only pain I had felt came from the bruises marking my thighs, and I instantly sighed in relief.

I stopped analysing myself when I heard voices. Ones that I didn't expect to hear. Maybe I was hallucinating. I wasn't one to hope for the best; life had kicked me down enough times, ridding me of all hope, a long time ago.

I looked towards the door, the unlocked door, the door that was left slightly ajar.

I was definitely hallucinating.

I moved one foot off the bed, moving ever so slowly, in fear that if I so much as blinked too fast the door would close, or worse, the devil would reappear.

As both my feet touched the ground I had to bite my lip from crying out. It felt as though a troll had walked over my body, battering and bruising it along the way. Although, I knew that would be an insult to trolls.

Wincing in pain, I decided to persevere, grabbing onto the wall to pull myself along.

Just as I reached the door I heard someone come in.

I instantly closed my eyes and backed away.

I knew it was too good to be true.

"Mia? Oh thank God, you're alive."

I flinched away from his touch.

The one person I was hoping would come save me... I didn't care to be saved by anymore.

"Mia baby, it's me Eli, you're okay, it's me."

I wanted to believe him. I wanted it to be okay. I wanted to be okay.

But I knew I wasn't.

Why had I ever let myself believe these criminals were actually looking out for me? In what screwed of fantasy of life was I living in, where I thought anyone actually cared about me?

My eyes remained shut as I backed away until I felt the corner of the wall.

I fell down against the wall, shaking my head and sobbing.

Someone make it go away.

Please make all the pain go away.

"did you find..."

"oh... Mia..."

"what... fuck..."

"not okay..."

The words came in bits and pieces around me as my head started spinning.

Make it stop. Make it stop.

I strained my vocal chords but not a sound came out.

Still I screamed, hoping someone would hear my cry for help.

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