Chapter Cinco

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You would think Elijah would have taken his hands down by now and let me go, but alas he seemed to love the awkwardness as he stood there caging me in whilst Xavier simply stared at us.

"Let her go Eli" Xavier ordered, and seconds later Elijah stormed out the room, muttering under his breath.

I stood there awkwardly, moving one foot behind the other, not really sure what I was supposed to do now.

"Come with me Mia" Xavier said, and then walked out of the room before I could object.

He walked into one of the offices Alex showed me earlier, and motioned for me to enter in. He walked around a desk and sat down, clasping his hands together.

"I hope you find everything suits your needs here" he stated, leaning forward and placing his hands on the desk.

"Actually, my needs would include being at home right now so no, nothing suits my needs here." I replied, crossing my arms.

Xavier chuckled, I didn't know what he found so amusing or funny because I clearly wasn't laughing. "Mason suggested we give you a nice little maids outfit," of course he did, "but," he raised his finger, as if knowing I was ready to argue with him, "I knew you wouldn't agree with that and I don't want to degrade you, so wear whatever you please as long as you can complete your duties in it."

I sighed frustrated, taking a seat on the chair across from him. There had to be a way out of this.

"You do realise my friend is going call the cops once she realises I'm missing" I said, hoping he would at least let me get into contact with her.

"Don't worry, we've taken care of Skylar" He stated very casually.

I suddenly leaned forward widening my eyes, "What do you mean you've taken care of her? And how in the hell do you even know her name?" I started frantically exclaiming.

"Calm down Mia, she's not dead... but she could be, if you keep defying my orders." He stated, matter of factually.

"What! This has to be some kind of sick joke" I blurted, standing from my seat.

"I'm not asking much of you, in fact no one here has even physically harmed you, and no one will, as long as you do as I say"

I ran my hand across my face, now there was definitely no way out of this.

"Why the hell are you doing this? Why me?" I asked, trying to make some sense of the chaos I had landed myself in.

Xavier observed me for a moment before he spoke, "you weren't chosen randomly, if that's what you're thinking. There's a reason, a good one I assure you, but now is not the time for that story. If you behave, maybe I'll let you figure it out."

I squinted my eyes at his bullshít. There is no good reason for kidnaping someone, but I knew I didn't have the power to argue with him right now. "Okay, fine, what do I do?" I mumbled, giving up trying to get out of it, for now anyway.

Xavier smirked leaning forward again, knowing he had won. "You will be doing the cleaning around the place, as you can tell it's quite a big area and with 6 guys living here it can get pretty dirty"

Scrunching my eyebrows together, I spoke up, "I don't get it, you live in a mansion, you're clearly loaded, but instead of actually hiring somebody and paying them to do the dirty work, you would rather kidnap someone, which is illegal, by the way, and force them into it?"

Xavier's smirk just widened, and in that moment i found myself wanting to throw a cactus at him.

"Like I said, theres a time and place for that story Mia, for now you do as you're told," he continued, "now if you'll excuse me I have a call to make and you have a mansion to clean, your equipment will be in the kitchen, feel free to make your own way there." He got up indicating he wanted me to leave.

I left the room, closing the door behind me and leaning against it. I needed a moment, this was too much to take in. How long were they going to keep me here? Why had they chosen me out of all people? What the hell did he mean by 'there's a story'?

Just then, I heard giggling coming from downstairs. Giggles that clearly came from a girl. There was actually another girl here? I made my way downstairs into the living room where the voice was coming from.

A woman was sitting on the sofa laughing alongside Alex. She was simply gorgeous with beautifully tanned skin and the darkest and silkiest hair I had ever seen. She couldn't have been past her late 20's but she still had such a youthful beauty to her.

She may have simply been an innocent victim like me, kidnapped to do god knows what in this house; but by the closeness of her proximity with Alex, I had a feeling that she wasn't so innocent.

Alex was the first to spot me, shouting out "Ayy Mia! come meet Katherine", as he motioned for me to come closer to them.

Did this guy honestly think we were buddies?

The girl stood up, giving me a dashing smile and stretching out her arms to shake my hand, "Katherine, but please, call me Kat, I'm Aiden's girlfriend."

Why was everyone in this house acting like I was their long-lost friend. Better yet why wasn't anyone concerned about me randomly showing up here?

I shook her hand awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable at her formal manner. "I'm Mia, and um... no one's girlfriend?" I replied.

She let out a little laugh, "nonsense how are you single, you're absolutely gorgeous! We'll have to find you someone immediately"

"I volunteer" Alex blurted, raising his hand as he stood on the side

Kat playfully slapped his arm, "don't be silly, she needs a man, not a boy"

Alex gasped, placing his hand on his heart feigning pain, "I'm very offended Kat".

I let out a little laugh, it felt nice to have the presence of another woman here, maybe she could help me get the hell out of here, even if it was Aiden's girlfriend... wait

"Aiden has a girlfriend?" I asked. If she was the girlfriend of someone so cruel, there was no way she was innocent in all this.

"I know, shocking isn't it?" Alex said as we all took a seat.

"Oh stop it you two, he's not that bad" Kat exclaimed, running her hands through her hair, damn it was so silky and straight, I'd have to ask her how she got it like that sometime. Wait, wasn't I supposed to be doing something else? Oh, that's right.

"I would love to continue this chat Kat, but Xavier's duties await" I stood, ready to head to the kitchen to find those supplies Xavier mentioned.

"Nonsense, I'll speak to Xavier, you can do whatever he wants you to do later, it's been forever since I've been able to speak to a nice girl around here, Alex go fetch us some drinks." Kat dismissed Alex and he surprisingly obliged.

So with that, I sat back down.

Screw Xavier's requests.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: I'm not enthusiastic about this chapter because it feels like a filler to me, but I needed to get out some key information and introductions so hopefully the next chapter will be better.xx

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