Chapter Cincuenta y Nueve

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"I uh-" Eli started, but I interrupted him, knowing full well what he wanted to tell me.

"you're sorry that you didn't tell me but it was for my own good and you didn't mean to upset me, I know, and it's fine"

"Yes, but I really... wait it's fine?" He questioned in surprise at my admittance, causing me to smile at his cute little confused face.

"Yes, it's fine, you're right, I would have completely freaked out had you told me last night... so thank you."

He eyed me suspiciously, most likely waiting for my outburst of 'how could you's', but after seeing Jacob in the condition that he was, I knew the guys were right to not have told me he was in a coma last night. I would have bawled my eyes out before demanding they take me to see his lifeless body, which would have just freaked me out even more.

I leaned in and gave Eli a hug, my arms snaking their way around his waist as I leaned my head against his chest.

"I'm just so glad everyone's okay" I whispered as Eli gave me a slight squeeze.

"I'm so glad you're okay" he mused as he kissed my head.

In that moment, I realised how much my life had truly changed. This time last year Sky and I were in our little loft, sitting on our broken couch, sifting through endless bills, deciding which ones were the most urgent. I had no boyfriend, no brother, no parents, and no actual friends besides my sestra... and besides her, I had no one I really cared about. Yet a year later, I was surrounded by people I loved and cared for and so thankful that they were all safe and sound.

"how about we go back in and join the gang?" Eli asked, pulling me from my thoughts. With that we made our way back into Jacob's hospital room.


"I talked to Jacobs doctor, and he recommended we wait a week or two before he gets on a plane," Xavier began explaining to everyone once we got back to the house, "so I discussed it over with him and decided that myself and Jacob will fly out when he gets the green light, but the rest of you are free to head back within the next few days, especially you Katherine, I know you're almost at 36 weeks so you should definitely fly out before then."

Everyone except for Jacob was now back at the house, Alex included after his doctor gave him the okay, granted he used his crutches.

"I'll buy the tickets tonight, so you and Jacob can take the jet back" Aiden declared, deciding that he and Kat couldn't wait any longer to head back otherwise she would be forced to give birth in Spain and she didn't want that, because she wanted her parents by her side.

"How you feeling, about heading back home?" Sky asked as we walked into our room, ready to pack our bags back up.

"Home" I coaxed, turning to face Sky, "are we? Returning home?"

My question must have confused Sky because I watched as she furrowed her brows trying to figure out what I meant.

"you want to stay here?" she puzzled picking up her suitcase and laying it out on the bed.

"Here? No, I mean what are we returning to Sky? We're not going back to our crammy broken loft because there's no way Sebastian and Penelope would allow that, but the mansion isn't really our home so, where does that leave us?" I responded, wondering what was going to happen once we were back in the states. Was the mansion even a place we could live in granted Xavier and Zara were finally getting married and would probably want to live alone. Aiden and Katherine were having a baby so they would definitely need their own place. So where did that leave the rest of us.

"So... please don't hate me... I probably should have told you sooner" Sky started sheepishly, earning a side glance from me, "when I was with Alex in the hospital, we kind of got talking and... well, he sort of wants me to move in with him."

"move in with him? As in he's bought his own place?" I asked, more curious than anything.

"Not really, more like Aiden bought a place, and he asked Alex if he wanted the guest house since it was so big and they had no use for it, which led to Alex asking me and I thought, why not? Only because I knew we weren't going back to the loft, I mean you're probably going to want to stay with Eli and I didn't want to be a nuisance or anything" she tried reassuring, but my mind was already preoccupied with thoughts of Eli. Was that what everyone thought? That Eli and I would just move in together? I wasn't even sure that's what he wanted, I mean he had never asked but it's not like he has his own place in the U.S... did he?

"Earth to Mia," Sky pulled me from my thoughts by throwing a shirt in my face, "are you okay? I mean if that wasn't your plan it's fine I'm sure we could get a place I'll just tell Alex-"

"No!" I quickly added, "no, no, no need to tell Alex anything, you guys can move in together Sky, you deserve this" I just needed to talk to Eli. I added in my head.

We spent the rest of the afternoon packing our bags which seemed to be much fuller than when we arrived.

Sky was exhausted and knocked out before the sun had even set, not that anyone was blaming her, lord knows hospitals aren't comfortable places to sleep in. I decided to occupy myself with a good read before I had to confront Eli about the whole living situation.

"hey" I felt Elis arms snake around my shoulders, hugging me from behind the chair, causing me to draw in a breath, "you alright, you seem a little tense?"

I put the book down and placed my hand over his arm, slightly turning my head to meet his gaze, "can we talk?"

His eyebrows furrowed before he moved to stand infront of me, "of course we can, what's up?"

"I was just talking with Sky... and the topic of where we'd be living when we got back came up... and well I don't suppose Sebastian is going to let me go back to my loft so..." I mumbled, leaving the question unasked.

Eli smiled in response, "Sebastian won't let you? You mean I won't allow it. Why would you go back to that rundown place when you've got enough money to buy a few mansions and then some."

"So you think I should just buy my own place?" Understanding that would have been the reasonable choice here.

"Yeah... or we could buy a place together?" Eli responded sheepishly before quickly adding, "only if you want to."

"Is that what you want?"

"To live in a home with the woman I love? I'd be foolish not to want that, princess" He decided, as he reached down, placing a comforting kiss on my lips.

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Authors Note: So we're definitely nearing the end and I'm feeling some type of way about it.

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