six | the full moon

Start from the beginning

It was what the moon was telling her. The string she was following led to the boy with the long dark locks, and that now made sense to Freya. The moon wanted her to bring him to the ocean, to swim with him — he was the chosen one in more ways then she could explain.

Calling his name lured him from his house with his dad following behind him in his wheelchair. Jacob was surprised to see her and slightly alarmed, much like his dad. The two stared at each other before Freya let out a giggle, running towards him.

"Jacob!" She cried out. "Come swimming with me!"

His mouth hung open, cheeks flaming a bright red as his father chuckled. The older man pushed his son forward as Freya grinned as bright as the moon.

"You heard her, son," he laughed once more but nodded his head for his son to guide the girl into the house, where Billy could perhaps sober her up before calling her parents.

"Dad," Jacob hissed under his breath, clearly embarrassed, but he saw the look. "Hey, Freya, want to come inside?"

"Come swim," she repeated. "Come sing! Come celebrate the moon!"

Billy had stopped laughing a while ago, but the man now stilled. He moved forward as if blocking his son from the girl.

"I think my son shall stay in tonight," he spoke to Freya as she pouted. "It's a cold night to go swimming."

Freya simply frowned at the man before turning to the one she truly wanted, her mouth opening to speak his name like a siren song that controlled him. Dazed like she was, he stepped forwards — drawn to her voice, needing to follow her.

"Jacob," his dad blocked him with his wheelchair again. "Inside. Now."

"I want to go swimming," he told his dad, voice slow and slurred. "I want to go with Freya."

His dad shook his head, "not tonight."

The familiar bright orange truck came down the road, pulling to a stop as the brunette girl jumped out, running towards the scene with a lost look. Billy let out a small sigh of relief, limited within this situation without his legs working like they use to, to prevent the horror Freya was trying to cause.

"Bella, I think Freya needs to go home," Billy told the girl.

Bella glanced to her cousin, eyebrows rising as she noticed that unblinking, dazed state that she was in as if she was influenced by something. The smile on her face seemed sweet, alluring, yet dangerous at the same time. Even Jacob, as she glanced at him, seemed to be in a trance as if he was under her spell.

"Freya?" Bella questioned. "Alison wanted me to bring you to hers?"

"Alison?" Freya's attention snapped to her cousin. "Is she coming to the sea too? Is she coming to sing and swim? Will she bring her the chosen one?"

Bella shook her head, not knowing any answers to any of the questions Freya was asking or even what was going on with the girl herself. What the hell was going on?

"Then I don't want to go!" Freya screamed, the happy, free smile falling from her face as she glared at Bella — teeth clashing together like an animal. "You can't stop me!"

"Hey, it's okay," Bella spoke calmly, exchanging a look with Billy as the man slowly tried to pull his son away from the girl. "I tell you what, why don't we go to the beach now, yeah?" She looked to Billy once more, hoping the man would go along with her. "We can pick up Alison along the way. Then Billy and Jacob can pack their swimming trunks, some towels and then we meet them at the beach?"

"That's a brilliant idea, Bella," the man forced a smile, never good at acting or lying. Even under the gaze of Freya, who eyed him suspiciously, not quite trusting him. The tension seemed to trickle out of her, where she went back to the happy dazed version of herself. "Jacob can't go swimming without his trunks."

"Exactly," Bella agreed, nodding, not knowing when she became such a good liar as she never usually was, but perhaps after Edward, she had mastered the ability. "Why don't we get your costume too?"

"I don't need a costume," Freya smiled at Bella. "I have my tail, but Jacob doesn't. He will come to me. He will swim with me. He will kiss me."

"Right, yeah," Bella agreed, her voice losing the calmness that made Freya twitch, perhaps sensing the lies. She placed her hand in front of Freya. "Shall we go then?"

Freya's hand reached for her cousins before freezing as she hesitated, afraid that it was all a trick. Though she took it with her mortal self believing and trusting Bella. Slowly, Bella stepped away, leading Freya away from the Black's with a reassuring smile on her face. Billy gave her a small nod of appreciation, hoping she would get Freya home safe and sound.

Bella opened the truck door, helping Freya into the car seat and putting her seatbelt on as the girl simply gazed at the moon with that creepy smile. Once she was in the truck herself, she started the engine at a lost now to what to do.

All shall be explained, don't worry. Basically, Jacob is in a bit of trouble with Freya and the full moon, the poor boy. I hope you somewhat enjoyed the chapter though. Please let me know what you think? It makes sense to me as I know what's happening but I'd like to know what you think is happening.

Also, I've changed parts of the chapters to Freya not being able to drive since she's fifteen. Maybe Jacob will teach her at some point.


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