Chapter 22 - Days of Intrigue 1

Start from the beginning

  Though sadly, there were no missives to deliver for Chang Shan, as he was an orphan that Mo Yuan had adopted and raised as his own, but they would all be there for him, so the sadness lasted only the time it took to remind himself that he was his family, all of his Disciple brothers were.  

And with the cleaning and other daily chores they all had to complete on top of these new tasks, he wasn't left with much time for himself, but he didn't mind, they were his brothers, and being the first Graduation was a big deal that even his father and mother along with Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan had been invited, though he didn't think his parents would come, he knew Bai Zhen definitely would being a close friend of Die Fengs and Zhe Yan always followed his brother everywhere he went.  It had been a long time since he'd seen his brother so he was looking forward to delivering his invitation, which he decided to deliver first, and immediately.


On entering Qing Qiu, he was met by Mi Gu who did not immediately recognize him, forcing him to take on his true form to get past him, while laughing at his stunned face as she entered the main den.  He had not seen Bai Qian since her ;little cousin Dongmei had come to stay, and seeing how lovely she had become he began to shed a flood of emotional tears.  His young charge, had grown up.

Bai Zhen too, did a double take as she walked through the entrance, spilling his tea all over himself in shock at not only her sudden unexpected appearance, but her loveliness.  "Xiao Wu, you have grown." he said smiling softly and his eyes misted lightly, while Zhe Yan gave her his usual appreciative eye roll before turning back to what he was doing, which was nothing by the looks of it, she thought to herself smiling.  

Being back in the Fox Den brought back a lot of wonderful childhood memories, and as her last visit came back to her, she asked after Dongmei.  "She would be almost grown herself." she said, before frowning when she caught the quick look Zhe Yan sent in Bai Zhens direction.  

"To be honest, we haven't heard from her since she was here." Bai Zhen said smoothly smiling, before completely changing the subject to distract her from her 'little cousin.'  "So what brings you here unexpectedly?" he asked rising to give her quick hug as she sat down next to him.

"This." she replied, laying the missive on the table in front of him.

Reading through it quickly he smiled even more broadly.  "Well it's about time!" he laughed.  "I thought Die Feng would be an old man when he finally graduated." causing them all to laugh, after all he had been there longer than any of them, almost 100,000 years.  

"So you're coming?" she asked, raising her hand and crossing her fingers and eyes in front of him laughing.

"Yes. We'll be there." he laughed along with her, while throwing Zhe Yan a look that only he could interpret.

"Great!" she smiled at them both, before asking after her parents and other family members while Mi Gu entered with a light lunch and fresh tea, before heading to The Celestial Palace to deliver a missive to Xiang Ru's father who was the Celestials official Astronomer.  

"I will come with you." Zhe Yan told her, I havn't seen Dong Hua for a while, and an important issue has arisen." he told her, then giving her a look, he leaned in closer.  "How is the divination going Bai Qian?" he asked suddenly.

"Divination?" Bai Zhen asked surprised.  He had no idea his little sister was Divining.

"I don't use it unless I have to." Bai Qian replied honestly.  "Shifu said I need to work on communication skills"  she smiled sweetly at him, making him laugh.

"Alright, but I may need you, so once you've delivered your missive, come and find me at Taichen Palace, have one of the guards guide you." he smiled as they both rose and she bid her brother farewell.

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