Chapter 15 - The Final Decision

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Returning to her family for the evening meal, Bai Qian sat quietly and said nothing as her family talked around her, and no amount of effort on her father or Zhe Yans part, could include her, she wanted nothing more than to be alone with her thoughts.  

Eventually, her mother came to her rescue, and suggested she get an early night, as she had a big day ahead of her.  Grateful for her mothers interference, she left immediately, but not for her chamber, but her hot pool.  She did not want her father or Zhe Yan barging into her room with questions, and they could not if she was bathing.

The week had been a whirlwind and the choice she had to make suddenly had her wishing she had someone to talk to.  There was her mother of course, but she wanted someone who wasn't so sensible, she needed someone who could think the same way that her own heart did, but there was no one, other than Zhi Lan, but she could hardly barge in on him in the middle of the night to ask his advice.  For one, he didn't know she was a girl, and even if he did, he would merely laugh at her anyway.

Her first date with Jiangyu was lovely.  The necklace she brought home was jumped on by Zhe Yan who had only ever heard of the blood gem, but never actually seen them, that he had taken them for himself.  Though she didn't mind, they held amazing healing properties and when added to an elixir or tonic, they enhanced it significantly.  Giving them to him, was the least she could do for all the assistance he had given her over the years.

But her mind was solely on Jianyu.  A handsome man with a very kind heart, and with prestige and title, he would be great for Qing Qiu having ties to many of the realms of the East and North.  The date itself was exciting and thrilling, but the boat ride was by far the most exhilarating.  He was a man she knew would be perfect for her and for her people, a man who cared deeply for those around him, and for Qing Qiu, he would love her people as much as she did.

Then there was Meng Yao.  She knew, this was the man her parents wanted for Qing Qiu, and of course he was the number one choice in their eyes.  Handsome, elegant, kind, and generous, he was everything a woman could want.  His love for those who were less well off, and those who needed assistance astounded her, so few people had the inclination to offer a hand, let alone their own home to help those in need.  His home was absolutely beautiful and his fairy family were the most adorable, she wanted to see them again.  The thought of living in his world had her heart beating faster and her mind in a spin.  His world was beautiful in every way, and to be a part of it was so appealing she put him to the side for now.  He was one who had touched her deeply.

Then there was Liang.  Her friend and brother.  The man had a side of him that she had never thought possible, a side that was so beautiful and heart wrenching, that to think he had kept his talent hidden all these years only to make it know to her alone, brought back the tears.  She loved him, and wanted him as much as he wanted her.  And he was exceptionally handsome, that the first time she saw him out of his Disciple Robes, and with his hair down, she knew then that he was more than just a friend, a brother or even a crush.  He was someone who held her heart and twisted her emotions until her head hurt.  Liang the man she had liked for such a long time, was suddenly within her grasp.

And lastly there was Mo Yuan.  His date was so unexpected and so heart breaking, her mind had drawn a complete blank.  After the previous dates and the most beautiful places she had visited, that he chose to take her back to her own past, had her wondering why.

It was the most unconventional date she had ever heard of, but then Mo Yuan never did anything by the book, his trial was proof of it. But as she thought of him and the years of love and attention he had shown her, regardless of the fact that he saw her as a male most of the time, he never once stopped caring.

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